Comox Lake

Went to the cabin for the weekend at the top end of the lake, fish are In the shallows and feeding heavily on salmon fry and stickle back. Caught cutthroat: 1(14") 1(14.5") 1(16") 1(17.5) 1(21") a ton around 12-14" and one small dollyvarden.

Gang trolls are for people who don't know how to fish!
Heading out first thing tomorrow morning, remembering to bring the camera this time and if I can figure out how to get them uploaded I should have some eye candy for you all tomorrow! Providing I cant get into a couple that is! :P
Gaaah last time I bring a camera to the lake, the damned thing must be bad luck! I swear everytime its not around the fish bite better. First light til last light on the lake... 3 rods fishing... not even a bite. Fished the cruickshank for most the morning and by the boat ramp a couple passes before we called er. Fishing reports were the same for the other 3 guys fishing we talked too. All fishing different lures at different depths. Just didnt seem to be happening today!
Anyone fishing the lake lately? I figure things should be picking up here soon, if I find time after work some time this week im going to give it a go.
Anyone want to go? I suck at lake fishing but still produce the odd one. I want to go soak my boat in fresh water at some point this weekend.
Camping on the lake and bringing the boat up for some early morning trawling and afternoon tubing from the 7-11th. I know this time of year isn't the best for trout but I'm going to start with my Cowichan method (dragging 3-4" Tomics). Any insight on some areas or other methods that may have been successful recently would be great.
Anyone fish the lake recently? This late fall/ winter I'm hearing there's tons of beauties being pulled out. So far I've heard of an 8, two 5's and numerous 2-4 pounders all caught by the same guy. Seems like the new regs are having some sort of an effect!
Anyone fish the lake recently? This late fall/ winter I'm hearing there's tons of beauties being pulled out. So far I've heard of an 8, two 5's and numerous 2-4 pounders all caught by the same guy. Seems like the new regs are having some sort of an effect!

Dont believe everything you hear......the average catch per angler per day is 1/2 a fish.......