Check your trailer registration.


Well-Known Member
I have an earlier thread on here about putting on larger tyres etc. to a trailer, and learned a lot about what is legal, gvw, gvwr et al.
A different problem but with an easy solution has cropped up. The trailer manufacturer has rated the gvwr at 6000lbs, but the insurance and registration papers show 960kg, or about 2100lbs, way below what the trailer is rated at. I let our insurance agent know about it, and was told just to come in and up it to 6000lbs or 2721kg. Just a heads up, we figure the previous owner lowered the gvwr to save a few bucks on insurance. Needless to say we are correcting it.
Thought it might br quite a bit more to go from 2100lbs to 6000lbs. WOW, talk about sticker price. A whole $3.00 more. :rolleyes:
I guess I will ask the obvious question! I assume the trailer plate gvwr is the highest you can go-not simply by asking for a higher weight and paying for it.
Just thought I would make sure!!! LOL
We actually did not ask, but l suppose you could. l would think there might be repercussions if your registration is over what the manufacture has on the plate when you are getting checked. We just went with what was on the plate, as it was very close to the limit before needing a driver controlled activation. The agent did say it happens often if the seller does not fill in the transfer papers with the gvwr, they just put in the lowest one if the owner says "l dunno".