canucks tonite

Next Game VAN vs EDM, I just moved from Edmonton so you know the Oil is gonna spank the Nucks

new captain for sure, a Canadian this time, problem is no other team in the league will touch him for 6 mil they should have sent naslund down to manitoba and kept Shannon up, send morrison with him
I think Dave Nonis should try making a deal with forsberg if he stays healthy he is a great player
Having a player of Forsberg's caliber would be great the guys just made of glass, if he magically stayed healthy it would be amazing but I don't know if Nonis will risk it, we do have 3mil of cap space left which at the trade deadline could get us alot, assuming we'll be buying
too funny. I wanted to say something earlier but I didn't want to jinx it. home and home tommorrow hockey night
ha ha! I was wrong again! Maybe if I root for the Canucks, then they are sure to lose! Oh well it was Edmonton! lol. ;) U know we complain and then looks what happens Morrison becomes a scoring machine. Why didnt the Canucks go after some of those free agents?
Canucks had something to prove, and they did lol, poor Oilers..., Dont EDM and VAN play each other like 8 times a season?

It's funny that one bad loss can get all these people talking bad about the Canucks. They are still one of the best teams in the league. Somebody made a comment about seeing them with a 500 record??... Wanna join my hockey pool?...;)
Luongo's getting his first shut out of the season tonight 4-0 vancouver that's my prediction anybody else have one.
Sats game Edmonton 5 Vanc. 2. The only real team is the Islanders! lol! What about those new Canuck Uniforms?? And Islander unis! A bit ugly?