Cant Catch a Hali :(

SS como estas hombre. Espero que tenemos un ano de puta madre. Pero que yo veo, hay un potential problemo con el DFO y JDF...Es una lastima. Dedos cruzados...[/QUOTE]

Jaja!! no estas aprendindo un buen volcabulario!! Gracias estimado amigo..por mi lado todo se ecuentra re - bien - gracias por muestra esfuersas y poco suerte encuentramos un tiempo razonable para pesca.Ovbvio desgrasiadamente tenemos unos testarudos(DFO) que nos controlan la vida aunque no queramos!!!Espero que organizamos un dia para ver nos,tomar una copa y hablar de la aparentemente buena vida...
Jaja!! no estas aprendindo un buen volcabulario!! Gracias estimado amigo..por mi lado todo se ecuentra re - bien - gracias por muestra esfuersas y poco suerte encuentramos un tiempo razonable para pesca.Ovbvio desgrasiadamente tenemos unos testarudos(DFO) que nos controlan la vida aunque no queramos!!!Espero que organizamos un dia para ver nos,tomar una copa y hablar de la aparentemente buena vida...

Yo pensaba que esto era un sitio en inglés, pero voy a jugar el juego.

Yo pensaba que esto era un sitio en inglés, pero voy a jugar el juego.

No FD you'll find some of us are multilingual..hay tienes que explicar como puedes...
Whats with all the Italian in the hali thread?? :p

Question for the experts, looking at currents for East Juan de fuca for tomorrow
looks like the best time would be between 1:00-5:00 pm
1knot ebb going to a 1knot flood
am i reading this correctly?
Yup your reading it correctly.
Not a bad tide scott. See ya around "Discovery"!!

Like others have said I wouldn't get too technical about having your boat directly on a small spot of the ocean; in ripping current it's pretty hard to ensure it's gonna land right there.

Again, look at a current atlas for softer currents, which is not only safer for anchoring but ensures that you can get your gear down - you ain't gonna find bottom over 2knts generally.

Another thing - no need to go moving your anchor over and over. Every time you do that you gotta start your scent field again. Try to be anchored through a tide change.

I remember last June me and some buddies were rocking the pick off Victoria in June on a beautifully sunny and flat day. The kinda day where you almost don't care if you catch any fish....almost :) Well after fending off dogfish after dogfish all day (6 hours plus) we decided to call it. Starting pulling up the starboard rod than BAM! 50lber on the port rod. Such an awesome feeling.

Moral of the story: put the time in - it'll happen!
Current station over by Discovery for Tomorrow ( Discovery Island, 3 miles SSE)

better to check race rocks current table gives you a much better look at what the currents are going to be like all around victoria and when

RACE PASSAGE Harmonic Station (CHS) for tomorrow..... Compare all the current station around Victoria .... Race rocks station I find is very miss leading... get a much better indiction of what's going on from the other current stations..


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You read it perfect Scott! I fished that afternoon change today and loaded up!!

One thing I find on a ebb a 1.5 to 1.7 is still fishable but on a flood once you get over .7 it's ripping!
Its ripping off discovery tomorrow, and the currents have been out to lunch! Off by as much as two hours yesterday, remember, its a prediction.
I see a 1.5 -2 hr window max unless your tucked in out of it, or tight to the beach.
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Someone posted age/weight ratios of hali from Alaska a while back. It basically told me that hali are fairly fast growing fish, ie. 250 pounders at only around 20 years old!

Not so anymore--- the growth rate has slowed considerably since the 90s.

Would it have anything to do with lack of food? If they keep fishing the herring hard I suspect this will only get worse. Checked the stomach of a 20lb hali today and it was empty. Not a thing in there.
[QUOTE=Lipripper;Whats with all the Italian in the hali thread?? :p

BTW it's spanish kimosabe...yes we were talking about halibut!:p
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BTW it's spanish kimosabe...yes we were talking about halibut!

its code they did not want any one else to know what they were talking about
could some one post the site your getting your current info from ? also would it show current for areas like port mc neil ? thnx
Whats with all the Italian in the hali thread?? :p

Haha - is the Spanish that bad?
Not cool, though - it'd be rude with buddies at the pub and it's poor taste here, too. :(
Start a Spanish thread if that's your play. This IS an English language place - you know that.
This is the one that I use. It has tides and currents and you can have it print out in graph style if you want. Just pick the spot you want.
Murray table is better for tides .the book is more local ,give more ideas where to go hour by hour .ie ( oak day on flood can be danger it's swings fast and stronger than table
could some one post the site your getting your current info from ? also would it show current for areas like port mc neil ? thnx

I use the program nobeltec tides and currents pro.
It gives you every tide and current station for the entire coast, data in 15 min. Increments with a detail colored graph and you can look forward to any day in time to study and plan future currents. For wind reports its big wave Dave, also has tide and current info on big wave Dave as posted above.
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