Calling All Sooke Area Fisherman

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Thanks for all the advice on marinas. I would really like to fish the Sooke area next year. It's been 30 years since I've been able to get back up there. I will be cruising over from the San Juans and want to maximize my chances for success. I have one week, if you only had a week to fish for salmon when would it be?
I would skip past Sooke and head to Port Renfrew or Barkley Sound. In Sooke though, basically anywhere from Whirl Bay west to Sheringham Point.
Come out of Beecher Bay into the striaght, head east anbd its the first big bay on you left; near church island. Look at a chart of Beecher, there are some links to charts at the bottom of this page....
1 Week is not enuf! But my vote would be sometime in late June(long days), It's windy in july and foggy in august.[:p]But its the best place to be:D
I think any time in august if you have radar in sooke or renny you will need it, excellent fishing in BOTH spots depends if you like calm or rolling waters thats YOUR decision.

Good luck Wolf