Buying used boat question


Active Member
Hi guys,

I am looking to buy a used boat, and was wondering if the only way to tow the trailer home is to transfer the ownership before I drive off with it?
Is there a temporary thing that allows you to tow the boat home first and then transfer the trailer?

Wondering what people usually do when they buy used boats/trailers.

If the trailer has valid insurance, you can drive it.
Make sure you get the seller to sign and give you a copy of the ICBC transfer form with the valid VIN. You can then complete the transfer at any Autoplan shop.
Valid insurance is a must, even if it’s under the previous owner.
ideally, you’d want the previous owner to pick up the transfer form and sign it. Then when you pick up the trailer, stop at any autoplan broker, complete the transfer, buy new insurance and plates in your name and off you go.
Oh, so I can drive it home without a plate if it's still got the previous owner's got papers for it?
No! As Ringo said and as ICBC instructs:
  1. Get the original vehicle registration, with the owner's signature on it, from the seller.
  2. Fill out and sign in full the purchaser's portion of the Transfer/Tax Form (APV9T). ...
  3. To complete the transfer, take these documents to an Autoplan broker. Get your insurance and plates.
Of course you can ask the previous owner to leave his insurance and plates on for your move but he's then accepting considerable risk in the event of accident. Just do 1, 2, 3 and you're done.
I see, so best would be to transfer before towing away. Thanks for the help guys!
to protect your new investment just like buying a car, put the plates on it before towing it or have the previous owner deliver it safely to you before completing the transaction.