Building a mooching rod help needed


New Member
Hey guys,

I am looking at building a few mooching rods so 10'6 medium action

Looks like an MHX blank will do the trick,

Just looking for any advice on where to buy this stuff and make sure I purchse the proper corks and what not. seems to be a pretty good sight just looking into any insight that you guys have.


Mud hole is great resource. Also take a look at Batson / rain shadow rod building supply company out of Washington. They have some excellent parts for customizing rods for down rigger applications, woven graphite butt sections , extended high species cork fore grips . I have worked with Shoff tackle in Wa. Great couple, been in the rod building business for decades.

Good Luck

If you are building a rod because you have nothing else to do or because you can not find the rod you are looking for you are and are prepared to pay twice what you could buy one for you are headed down the right road .My rod lathe is worth about $800 and the dryers are cheep at $ all the other stuff. I have not been able to build a rod good rod for less than what Trotac sells them for for years.You get much better Eyes and seats and a warranty when you buy a rod .Just buying good eyes Equal to what you buy on a purchased rod can be just as pricy are the rod itself The Shimano Technium light 10-6 is good if you are looking for a light rod A little light on backbone for horsing those hogs in tight quarters
I started building rods when I couldn't find lighter hali rods and all there was peetz (poles) rods LOL

But that said Mudhole is ok but be prepared for extra charges when the rods and parts pass threw customs I still do some repairs and use He has some nice stuff and is willing to help you a bit He also builds very nice rods for people all around the world usually about a couple of grand plus He told me once he couldn't understand why people would spend $150 k on a boat then only spend a hundred bucks on some piece of chit rod

There is a certain amount of satisfaction building a rod and catching the fish of the lifetime on it or the dispare when you break the tip off the rod you worked so hard on and you can't take it back

Good luck