Brown's Chum Derby Results?

I had a 16lb on sat heard the biggest that day was 17.sunday I heard the biggest was 21 that would have put up a good fight. sunday seen a purple haze flasher floating arournd with a 14lb on the end pulled out my stealhead rod with a big heavy spoon and after a bunch on cast finally hooked the flasher and still put up a good fight.I think everybody there cought there limit both days. good fishing weekend I will be back next year .
Yes it was a blast. On Saturday we weighed in a 17.5 which wasn't the biggest of the derby but was the biggest caught Saturday. We did win saturdays largest aggrogate total of four fish weighing in at 60 1/4 pounds. Was beaten by dennis on myrlin, his total for Sunday was 63lbs so he had the largest aggrogate for Sunday and the derby. By the way CS's boat the dirty ***** had the second largest fish of the derby @ 19lbs caught on Sunday. Was really wet on Sunday.
Well we had a so much fun and came home with over 200lbs of fish and a bunch of new friends.

Glad to hear you had fun!!!!!!

Cheers MyEscape

Happy Hookin!!!

Edited by - MyEscape on 10/17/2005 16:29:33
We fished the first day and caught 16 chum and kept 9 that we thought were the biggest and chromest. Unfortunately we had a top out at 14 1/2 lbs and that was it! As for sunday the entire crew of my boat (3 of us) all had the same nasty sore throat and brutal cold that started Sat and got worse so we didn't go up sunday. That sucked cause the amount of fish we were in it was only a matter of time before a big one hit as we seemed to be in more fish that most of the boats at Deepwater. Lot's of fun and I only wished we could have done the whole weekend and sat dinner and planning session as well. Oh well nest year I guess! How'd you do Blue?


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Fished from Thursday to Monday inclusive.
Caught lots. Laughed lots.Talked lots. Met lots.
After 11 hours sleep last night and a three hour nap this afternoon, I think I survived for the most part.
Most fun you'll have with your cloths on.
Over 6000 pounds of Chum were registered.
My boat caught 119 fish (1500 pounds)in five days,
Retained 48 (768 pounds)
Registered at the Derby 24 (372 pounds)
This is only for those that like the number thing. (I just keep a log on things that may mean something next year)
Did get some contenders (19 pound male yesterday and a 21 pound on Thursday) but not on the Derby days.
Some gear was working better than others. Great time for experimenting, when the fish are coming in. The standbys were working well, and I was encouraged by some of the spoons and other gear that was working when the speed was up a bit.
This may make working the rips a bit easier.
Still lots of fish coming in, so I'll be out there this week.

BlueOrca, sounds like you had a good run over the days that you were fishing. Feel like giving up which tackle was doing better than others?
Still learnin....send me a pm and I will give you information.

Still learnin....send me a pm and I will give you information.

why not just post the info?Your talkin about chum here,not a secret steely spot on a river.I want to fish chum around cowichan and would love to get some tips.<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>
T'was indeed a GRAND show!! One mean pile of FUN!
Managed 16 to limit my crew Saturday, and one of them held second for size at 17.25 lbs and aggregate at 57.5 lbs for a brief moment. Sunday saw 14 to hand, a few up there, but big fish did come to others that took us out. Fished Tuesday for an hour and ten minutes, 12 to hand (Largest 18.5!) and 2 LL released. WOW! Fast and Furious!!

I had no idea! That fishery is a whole lot of FUN and EXCITEMENT! Great to meet the folks that I did, and we had some most excellent planning sessions. Trailer got stolen out of there, but thankfully recovered by the Boyz in Blue (in this case a Gal!!). So, had to take a couple extra days to recover that and get home. Finally made it around midnight last night, still dog-tired!!

Certainly looking forward to next year's Festivities!!

No problem Chris...glad I could help, even though your fish was bigger than mine. I'm out Saturday with 3.
Knucklebuster....send me a PM and I will tell you what works up here.
It's not the lures, although some are way better than the technique and presentation that matters the most.
Could work near the Cowichan, but I wouldn't count on it. Once they leave Seymore Narrows, I'm pretty sure they don't hang around the estuary too long. That and we're working the high airation floods and rips up here, which is lacking down there.
