N1060-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine - Area B - Areas 12 & 13 - Johnstone Strait Chum - Opening - October 6, 2014
The Area B Seine fishery for Johnstone Strait chum will be managed as a derby
style fishery for 2014. It is anticipated that seines will have two (2) full
fleet opportunities. The first fishery will take place on Monday, October 6,
2014 and the second fishery is expected to occur on Monday, October 20, 2014.
The second fishery will be confirmed in-season by fishery notice, subject to in-
season assessment information and weather.
The first fishery is open during the time period and areas described below:
Area 12 (Upper Johnstone Strait)
Seines open for 12 hours on Monday, October 6 from 07:00 hours to 19:00 hours
in Subareas 12-1, a portion of 12-2 (closed south or inside of a line from a
boundary sign at 50 degrees 28.570 minutes north by 126 degrees 18.117 minutes
west to a boundary sign at 50 degrees 28.393 minutes north by 126 degrees
15.279 minutes west (Adams River boundary)), a portion of 12-3 (closed south or
inside a line from a boundary sign at 50 degrees 29.137 minutes north by 126
degrees 34.245 minutes west to a boundary sign at 50 degrees 29.255 minutes
north by 126 degrees 36.680 minutes west (Tsitika River boundary)), 12-4 to 12-
6, 12-8 to 12-12, 12-18 (easterly of a line running from Lewis Point on
Vancouver Island to Donegal Head on Malcolm Island), 12-20, 12-21 and 12-24.
The seine ribbon boundary will "not" be in effect.
Minimum bunt mesh size 100 mm. The use of power skiffs is not permitted.
Variation Order No. 2014-CR-SN-043
Area 13 (Lower Johnstone Strait)
Seines open for 12 hours on Monday, October 6 from 07:00 hours to 19:00 hours
in Subareas 13-6, 13-7 (excluding Deepwater Bay, from the boundary sign at 50
degrees 11.434 minutes north by 125 degrees 20.268 minutes west to the boundary
sign at 50 degrees 10.861 minutes north by 125 degrees 20.885 minutes west), 13-
8 to 13-10, a portion of 13-11 lying west of a line from Bodega Point on Quadra
Island to a boundary sign on Quadra Island at 50 degrees 16.390 minutes north
by 125 degrees 22.620 minutes west, 13-27 to 13-32, 13-35 and a portion of 13-
40 lying west of a line running from the boundary sign on West Thurlow Island
(approximately 1.5 miles east of Eden Point) to the boundary sign on the
opposite shoreline on Hardwicke Island. The Amor de Cosmos Creek mouth
boundary will be in effect (waters surrounding the mouth of Amor de Cosmos
Creek inside the radius of a circle 337 m in diameter intersecting the
shoreline at 50 degrees 21.867 minutes north and 125 degrees 47.171 minutes
west [east of the creek mouth] and 50 degrees 21.658 minutes north and 125
degrees 41.630 minutes west [west of the creek mouth]). The seine ribbon
boundary will "not" be in effect.
Minimum bunt mesh size 100 mm. The use of power skiffs is not permitted.
Variation Order No. 2014-CR-SN-043