
Copper 2's brother is bringing his tent trailer.

It sleeps 4 and only 2 staying in it.

The other 2 of us will be in the boat.

We are now using a buddy of mines boat instead of mine, so if your ride doesn't work out, could squeeze you in.

Let me know if the tent trailer works for you.

When is your flight.


PS, I suppose I should check with them first, maybe you snore????
Thanks, boat goes in on Saturday. Not sure if I will fish or not, all depends on how the trip to reposition from Port Alberni goes. Will be fishing Sunday to Tuesday and again on following weekend for the derby. Thanks GLG, I'm good to go on all the gear, was just wondering about any changes in flasher colour and leader length over past seasons....things do change.

I'm never afraid to ask for tips because no matter what I think I know, there is always 1000 things I don't</u> know.
Pat ill give you a shout if we see you tomorrow up there and fill you in on how the fishing was. Haulin that big rig should be fun. were in a 17.5ft malibu tyee
Fished Deep Water Friday from 10AM till 1PM and had 1 bite. Ran up to Green Sea and fished there till 4:15PM and no bites. I guess the 50 Gillnetters and trollers may of had some effect. Running back from Green Sea parts of the Discovery Passage was almost closed as there nets where right across and only left 50 foot openings to run boat through. All I can say is keep a good eye out there and slow down as you can almost not see the nets. They where all set up from Deep Water to Gren Sea

Almost 50 boats in Deep water and only seen a handfull of fish landed. The trollers at Green Sea where takeing in some fish but most of there hooks looked clean when hauling there lines in. They where all using red or green flashers(mostlty green) and pink squirts

I guess it was not my day, guess why they call that fishing. The water at Green Sea was like glass and still had an awesome time
Commerical opening details
Category(s): COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net

Subject: FN0783-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net - Area D - Johnstone Strait - Opening


Areas 12 and 13 (Study Area Chum)

The Chum Working Group has concluded its pre-fishery meetings, and have
developed a fishing plan and consultation schedule for 2009. Weekly conference
calls will be held on Thursdays at 10:00 hours starting September 24, 2009.
Fishers are reminded to please phone AMR to report their catch information from
the first opening (September 30-October 2).

The following will be the second weekly gill net opening for Johnstone
Straits. A third opening is currently scheduled from October 15-17; this
opening will be confirmed in-season and will be subject to weather issues and
effort levels.

Gill Nets open for 41 hrs from 16:00 hours Thursday October 8 to 09:00 hours
Saturday October 10, in the following areas:


Category(s): COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll

Subject: FN0805-Salmon: Troll - Area H - Areas 12 and 13 - Johnstone Strait Chum


Fishing Period one of the Area H Troll Johnstone Strait chum Individual
Transferable Boat Day demonstration fishery will close on Sunday October 11
2009 at 23:59 hours which is one day later than previously announced. This
change was recommended by the Area H Harvest Committee. Refer to Fishery Notice
FN0748 dated September 21 for further details regarding Fishing Period one.
Monday October 12 2009 will be closed to fishing.

Fishing period two will open at 00:01 hours Tuesday October 13 2009 as
described below. Each vessel has been assigned an initial allocation of three
boat days in fishing period one and two boat days in fishing period two. Boat
days may be fished at any time within each fishing period. Boat days are
transferable between Area H vessels within a fishing period but not between
fishing periods. A maximum of one third of the total number of boat days held
may be carried over from fishing period one to fishing period two provided that
that the day(s) was not fished. The carry-over will be rounded down to the
nearest whole number if required. Vessels eligible for the carry-over of day(s)
will be automatically issued licence amendments showing the updated number of
days permitted to fish. Vessels with incomplete reporting records (start/end
and daily catch reports) will not be issued amendments until all records are

Fishing period two will open 00:01 hours Tuesday, October 13, 2009 to 23:59
Thursday November 5, 2009, with the exception of October 19, 2009 which will be
closed for the anticipated seine fishery, in Subareas 12-1 to 12-5, 13-6, 13-7
(excluding Deepwater Bay), 13-8 to 13-10, a portion of 13-11 lying west of a
line from Bodega Point on Quadra Island, to a boundary sign at 50 degrees
16.390 minutes north, by 125 degrees 22.620 minutes west, 13-27 to 13-32, 13-35
and 13-40 (westerly of a line running from a Prominent Point approximately 1.5
miles east of Eden Point across to a boundary sign on the Hardwicke Island
shore opposite). The regular Amor de Cosmos creek boundary will be in effect.
Subareas 13-6 and 13-7 are exceptions and will be closed on weekends and
I wonder how many Thompson River Steelhead are being caughtas a bye catch in these Commercial chum opening? The thompson river is not open again 2nd year in a row.
quote:Originally posted by searun

I'm never afraid to ask for tips because no matter what I think I know, there is always 1000 things I don't</u> know.

x2 dude, good call.


Fill the dam tub!
quote:Originally posted by Derby

I wonder how many Thompson River Steelhead are being caughtas a bye catch in these Commercial chum opening? The thompson river is not open again 2nd year in a row.

I think the govts written off the Steelhead, they just consider them more trouble than it's worth to save them.
Didnt do much today but some boats did alright. Googley eyed chum miester wildthing at 60-90ft hit most of our fish. Greansea had ok AM bite then moved to deepwater in aft and a few around.

Keep a good eye out for the nets! There was a commie with a set out about 300-400 yards long and only a small scottsman,small white floats marking it. Saw a 26ft grady have to slam on the brakes and turn to avoid.

Also careful launching if your not used to the launch. Saw some people scrape their hulls up pretty good and hold other people.
Driving up to browns bay in the dark this am we lost a side panal somewhere between parksville and browns bay. We noticed it when we hit the gravel and backtracked 40 minutes but didnt find it.Anyone find it by chance?
FA -- where were you??? We didnt do too badly at all. the bite on the flood at Plumper was a hoot!! I counted over 60 boats in and around the bay!!! Also saw two or three member boats that I could identify.

Monitoring 78A at Greensea, by noon I heard two trollers saying that it was a bit slow but they had around 100 so far.


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Ill be out in the AM. Gonna be at greeensea first, around 8;30. What channel do you guys monitor in these parts?


Fill the dam tub!
OOUCH, Still hoping some Thompson fish get past the commercial chaos. Kelly, we didn't fish today, it was a big job hauling that monster tub up from Port. She's in the water and we will be out Sun - Tues, then again for the derby. Will try deep water, possibly Green Sea Bay...although that's a bit of a run.
Greensea was not to bad of a run. Maybe 30ish mins running 23 knts.I can only imagine haulin that sweet big rig! Cuba we fished beside you for a bit this morn and saw you guys dialed in.

Does anyone know that all blacked out 20+ft zodiac with the suzukis on the back?Someone must know him as the boat stands out like a thumb in a crowd or maybe hes on here. Figure your sh*& out?!Saw him fishing a mile inside the boundry today and could hear boats yelling at him on the radio. The same boat passed me and 4 other boats this summer in the no wake zone in clutesi at 30mph 10 feet off our side so he could haul out first.
Cuba Libre, GLG and I fished Deep Bay from one end to the other and down the middle. Fished from 60-150 feet with 4 lines. We were there from 8-5pm Hey, You have a red sticker on you bow? If so we seen you.
Ya -- I had a novice on board that we steered the fish to. My sons fiance. It made for some "exciting" times when we got a fish on!!:D

Man-- did she get excited when playing a fish. Almost as good as seeing one dad give the rod to his son, who looked like 6 yrs old. The kid did an excellent job on the fish and hoots and high-fives from the surrounding boats in the pack. I think more than the fish got hooked...:)

We started at Deepwater very late in the morning.... it was dead. Decided to show them some country so we ran up to Greensea. More trollers than sports boats but they were getting fish so we put down two rods....WHAM! Immediate double-header. The usual Chinese fire drill but with superior skill (moi!) both fish were netted at the same time.

That set the stage for the rest of the day, but we lost a bunch at the boat when my sons fiance kept trying to LIFT the fish into the net instead of leading it to the net. Also the usual novices mistake of not backing up in the boat so the netter can get at the fish. (but I wanted to see it!!!) We gave her a hard time but she didnt let us bug her too much. About 2PM when the kelp rafts got too annoying so we decided to head for Plumper. Got into the trot line and had a hoot and picked up a couple more dime bright fish ( and lost 3!!).

We only used two rods with pink and blue hoochies topped with a small pink/flash-wing spinnin-glo.

FA-- yes--Thats me. Its actually the Bacardi Bat logo-- fits in nicely with the boat name, dontcha think? ;)


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
The net? Dude, learn to use a gaff.. way more efficient for sub 20 pounders.
Was a great day at greensea bay. Very productive once we got away from the mob.


Fill the dam tub!
Great day today???

I am looking for a great report even if it is completly garbage as I am back up there again tomorrow for another round.

The gaff is the best way to get fish into the boat. It's my go to. But when you have less experienced on board or paying guests you use the net.

And no I am a charter or a guide any more just a fisherman.
Gaffs not more effective. Just easier/faster when your lazy or fishings hot and dont want the hassel.We lost a pig at the boat yesterday that we could have easily netted but was going to nuts for a quick gaff.