Bradley Smokers

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The Penguin

The Canadian Tyre flyer has a bradley smoker on sale at 269.00

The Question I have is are they worth the dough?
The second question is As I have never done any smoking, would this unit be the unit for me?
How Hard is it to learn to smoke fish?

Thanks for you insight into this I need a bit of advice on this one
not hard, but a little labour intensive.
you need to brine the salmon for 24 hours in a mixture
of water,soy sauce brown sugar,salt and spices.
the fish then neds to air dry, before putting into a smoker
for 8-12 hours depending on size and thickness of fish.

I use a little chief for small loads and a big chief
for largeer loads, although i woulld really like a Bradley.
It uses "pucks" made of compressed chips and stacks in a
an auto loader.
I have used both, and the Bradley is by far a better smoker.The real plus is you can set the amount of heat and hold it there and the box is insulated.Where as the Little Chief is only one heat setting and not insulated.I smoke all my fish in the fall and temp. are cooler and this can cut at least a third off your smoking times.The only negative and I am not positive on this is the cost of the pucks vs. the bag of chips.I have borrowed a friends for the last 2 years and he gets the pucks for free or some type of deal so I do not know the price's off hand.If it was me and I did see that ad I would go for the Bradley.
If you live in the lower Mainland you can buy a scratch or dent smoker at there office in Richmond. I bought one there last year, and have still to find the scratch or the dent.
I second all the other comments about this great smoker.

I have owned a few smokers and now have a Bradley. I love it and highly recommend it.
The Bradley is the way to go.I have had mine for 2 years and have smoked everything from salmon,cheese,ribs and also chicken.Bradley has a great forum with tons of info Good luck

ok i`m looking 2 buy a few cases of pucks for my bradley, anyone know where 2 get them in bulk, for cheap . a reply would be great . tight lines scottyboy