border bank

Rum Buddies

Well-Known Member
Does anybody care to PM me the location of Border Bank, I've heard of it many times but I don't know where it is.
Look on a chart, approx 10nm se from Victoria breakwater you will see an area shallowing to 29 metres right on the Can/US border.More of it is in US waters than in Canadian Waters. It is not Middle Bank nor Hien Bank. Please be careful it is patrolled regularly by BIG white ships w/red stripes(USGC) and they make a point of not allowing us to fish in their waters. They will board and check your vessel for owners paperwork and nec safety equipment and basically ruin your trip there! That has been my experience,they came right on board w /4 men packing m16s and proceeded to rifle thru everything like they owned it. They took bilge water samples too and it took 1 1/2 hr min to get them off. They said I was 15 ft in their territory. My 3 GPS's said otherwise.(1 is DGPS,2 is WAAS too).YOU cannot fight the MAN! Have fun but you've been warned.[V]
Thanks for asking and thanks for giving directions. I had been wandering the same thing. on two of my U.S. charts its called Coyota bank. I see why you call it boarder bank. I have a canadian lisence and may run up there before the us season starts and no I did not get it on line. I like to visit alot so bought it there.