Active Member
replied to a post in the past outlining my lousy experience with a broker in San Fran .The deal on the boat did not happen after driving 16 hrs to pick it up. This experience went much better right up to the time I had to deal with the shipper.
I was looking for a 2000-2001 2802 trophy. Now before all the Trophy haters chime in ,I have had some actual experience with them. I have owned a 1995 2502 trophy for almost 20 years I bought it new and it has been the best piece of equipment I have ever owned. We fish on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and often venture 5-10 miles offshore in big water and this boat always handled it like a champ

I then found exactly was I was looking for in Florida and began the process of making a deal. The Broker was amazing to deal with, we spoke on the phone dozens of times and he took hundreds of photos for me and acted as a contact for everything I needed including the loading of the trailer and shrink wrapping for travel and scheduling the inspections.For those interested it was Steven Fernandez at Supreme Marine and export in Miami Now I needed to arrange a shipper
I had the folks at REALX trailers build me a triple axle trailer with disc brakes. They were terrific , turned the trailer around in 4 days

I went on USHIP and got a quote that I could live with, it was not the cheapest but his references checked out so I gave him the work. The boat will now be shipped to Bellingham Wash . Below is a picture of the boat as it was leaving. Max height 13.5 feet as measured at MarinA before leaving. Notice the trailer does have a tag on it. This becomes an issue later

Despite the shippers claim of daily communication this was the last time he called or texted us unless we called him . This boat was to be delivered to Bellingham Wash. The first update we got was that the boat is in North Carolina . As it turns out the driver took a detour with our boat to see a relative. This was communicated to use at time of delvery. We then get a call a few days later from the driver that he has been pulled over in Indiana and can not go any further with out tags on my trailer. WTF I can only assume that he had another delivery .He then claimed I needed to send him $500 to get a trailer tag on the unit . That did not happen Having a transporter tag was to part of the contract. We had taken out insurance on the unit before it left Miami and we had to scan and send it to them.Still no tag
Next day I get a call telling me that a "small" square of the wrap has just come off. I asked him to send me a photo. I asked how it happened and he claimed it just came off
It later turned out that the over hanging tree they hit tore a hole in the top of my wrap.

We now head down to Bellingham to pick up our boat. What we arrived to was disappointing. The radar unit had been destroyed and the port side of my boat and new trailer was covered in yellow road line paint .I was pissed. The driver claimed the radar was busted when he picked up the boat. Yea right .Upon inspection of the busted radar there were sticks and bark inside the case. He should have manned up and taken responsibility

Well it finally got home and cleaned up. The radar has been replaced and she is going in for twin 250 hp Suzukis this week
How would you deal with the shipper if your new boat arrived in this condition. Send me a pm if you want to know which shipper to avoid
I was looking for a 2000-2001 2802 trophy. Now before all the Trophy haters chime in ,I have had some actual experience with them. I have owned a 1995 2502 trophy for almost 20 years I bought it new and it has been the best piece of equipment I have ever owned. We fish on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and often venture 5-10 miles offshore in big water and this boat always handled it like a champ

I then found exactly was I was looking for in Florida and began the process of making a deal. The Broker was amazing to deal with, we spoke on the phone dozens of times and he took hundreds of photos for me and acted as a contact for everything I needed including the loading of the trailer and shrink wrapping for travel and scheduling the inspections.For those interested it was Steven Fernandez at Supreme Marine and export in Miami Now I needed to arrange a shipper
I had the folks at REALX trailers build me a triple axle trailer with disc brakes. They were terrific , turned the trailer around in 4 days

I went on USHIP and got a quote that I could live with, it was not the cheapest but his references checked out so I gave him the work. The boat will now be shipped to Bellingham Wash . Below is a picture of the boat as it was leaving. Max height 13.5 feet as measured at MarinA before leaving. Notice the trailer does have a tag on it. This becomes an issue later

Despite the shippers claim of daily communication this was the last time he called or texted us unless we called him . This boat was to be delivered to Bellingham Wash. The first update we got was that the boat is in North Carolina . As it turns out the driver took a detour with our boat to see a relative. This was communicated to use at time of delvery. We then get a call a few days later from the driver that he has been pulled over in Indiana and can not go any further with out tags on my trailer. WTF I can only assume that he had another delivery .He then claimed I needed to send him $500 to get a trailer tag on the unit . That did not happen Having a transporter tag was to part of the contract. We had taken out insurance on the unit before it left Miami and we had to scan and send it to them.Still no tag
Next day I get a call telling me that a "small" square of the wrap has just come off. I asked him to send me a photo. I asked how it happened and he claimed it just came off
It later turned out that the over hanging tree they hit tore a hole in the top of my wrap.

We now head down to Bellingham to pick up our boat. What we arrived to was disappointing. The radar unit had been destroyed and the port side of my boat and new trailer was covered in yellow road line paint .I was pissed. The driver claimed the radar was busted when he picked up the boat. Yea right .Upon inspection of the busted radar there were sticks and bark inside the case. He should have manned up and taken responsibility

Well it finally got home and cleaned up. The radar has been replaced and she is going in for twin 250 hp Suzukis this week
How would you deal with the shipper if your new boat arrived in this condition. Send me a pm if you want to know which shipper to avoid