Boat ramps - public-free etc

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The Penguin

Has any one out there have a list of the boat ramps both private and public that are free or reasonable showing location etc for Van isl
I'm going "camping wit hthe family this summer up around parksville and as I don't know the area I d like some help with this
I have bayliner 185cs for family fun

Island Boy through and through
I just happen to have in my hand right now,a copy of a book called'Anchorages and marine parks'.The author is Peter Vassilopoulos.At the end of this book is a section called 'Launch ramps,gulf islands,lower mainland and Vancouver Island'.
I'm going home for dinner now but,do a google and if you need any more info,I;ll see what I can find tomorrow.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
The closet ramp to Parksville is French creek.About a 3or 4 k trip north from downtown Parksville.There are a couple further north around the bowser area.Costalotta campgroung has a high to med tide ramp and bowser bills has one as well.I think French creek charges about $8 bucks including parking.It's a very steep ramp but unless you have a 30 footer not a problem.There are not to many ramps I have not used on Van isle so if you need more info just type
thanks ver y myuch

What about Victoria
I saw a ramp in esquilmalt about 8 10 bucks to launch
There was one in oak bay - free looked a bit dodgy - exposed to the weather and lots of reefs around too. I would think you would want to have a really reliable boat to use this ramp
I just went past the James bay anglers association ramp at ogden point has any one used this one - not much parking and 5 to launch

the gorge area?
you know any tips would be a ppreciated

Island Boy through and through

Edited by - The Penguin on 04/08/2006 14:53:56
Can't beat the yearly membership price of $30 giving unlimited lanuch's, location and facilities at Esquimalt Anglers.
Cattle Point is OK if the wind is in your favour but no where to tie up while you go get the boat trailer. James Bay Angler's, sometimes you need a plow to move the drift wood to be able to launch.

Edited by - explorer185 on 04/08/2006 20:30:55
There are a few ramps in the Parksville area.
French creek,north of town center, 10 mins
Beachcomber south on northwest bay road in Nanoose area, 10 mins from downtown.
Schooner Cove (the best)20 mins from downtown, in Nanoose, Fairwinds.
The Nanoose Native band has a ramp, and camp ground off the hyw19 between Nanaimo and Parksville.
Costalotta camp ground has sold and is being developed, word is no more ramp.
Next ramp north of French creek is Deep Bay.

Thanks guys -I'm new to VAn isle - lived in Vancouver area for 16 yrs - my wife is from duncan
I have lived on other islands before - not around here though

I can use all the friendly local knowedge for fishing around here and boat ramps etc
Esquilmalt ramp now thats a bargin in my mind nice facilities too

I'm also interested in parksville nanamio as well - planning some summer fun later with the family - two small kids so not much serious fishing more likely tubing and just putting about but thats ok

Island Boy through and through
There is also a free one at one of the beaches along Qualicum.

Definitley affected by tides and certainly no where to tie up though.

And I wouldn't want to have to get out there if a SE came up on me...

Gimee the gaff!!!
I'm looking to boat out from Bowser/Deep Bay area to Hornby, and the Deep Bay website doesn't have any info on their site about a ramp. Anyone know if there is a public ramp there and what the charge is? Or any others? Thanks.
Deep Bay does have a ramp beside the gov dock as for cost you could call the resort up there as I believe they look after it.
HA! Thought it was better too use an existing thread than to start a new one! And it was for the same general area....

Thanks Salmonlander, I'll give the Ship and Shore a call tomorrow. Cheers.