Black Market Salmon

Good idea. I wonder how many news stations would post a video that puts a negative light on some FN??
We don't need the news stations. Post it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. You will get more coverage there anyway.
Don't just stop at reading that one article. Read some of the related stories. I would put more emphasis on Canada's Dept. of Justice for some of their rulings that keep the hands of DFO tied. Cut backs from both parties have and continue to hurt our fisheries. If you think this problem will correct itself with a change in government, think again. History has shown us that the west coast fishery is not high on the governments agenda.
There will be no more enforcement on the river than any other year.
On the salt, the rec fishers are going to think they are in a police state.

Anyway I will gladly post and share any pics or vid that any of you collect on the Frazer this year. Just needs date and location to keep it legit.
hit up the cheam reserve between 2-4am, starts getting really busy soon as the early stuarts sockeye show up
Maybe we will have to give DFO a hand in doing their job controlling the natives on the river. Maybe a little public shaming in the media, just before the Federal election, will get their attention....
You better be packing heat, if you want to confront them, seen many of them over the years packing rifles in there tin boats
hit up the cheam reserve between 2-4am, starts getting really busy soon as the early stuarts sockeye show up
Lol, fish totes outbound every day, hundreds of them in and out, cube vans in and out. Lots of those cube vans B- line across the border. Seen it many times. Most of them have list of buyers that they been dealing with for decades, Just like the local CRACK dealers when the suply is good bizz is booming