Bilge pump quitting


Hey guys, it just started pouring and i noticed my Bilge just quit working. I cant engage it manually and the float switch is not engaging it either. It worked fine last weekend... anyone had the same problem and fixed it without replacing the whole unit before

Thanks guys

Did you verify it was getting 12 volts? Fuse? In my opinion one bilge pump isnt enough, I actually have 3 and have to repair them from time to time.
Like IFL says, and make sure you haven't picked up a piece of crap in the pump.
I picked up a one inch piece of 40 lb line, jammed the pump and that was that.
I always mount mine an inch or so off the bottom for that reason.
Lets the crap stay out of the pump.
I think everyone hit on the main points to check out. Another problem with them depending on your hull is that they don't get much action and usually just seize over time. Especially on a self bailing deck since there really isn't much water that ever hits the bilge to be pumped. My second one is up front under the berth and should never see water unless things are really going badly. I do lift the float a few times a year just to be safe. Chances are if it's not obvious as to the problem then it's toast! :(
I've often found with mine that splices in the wiring tend to go back on either the +'ve or -'ve side.
I have had one that quit working.. removed it and it was just siezed up.
Replaced it and I always carry a spare( identical) with proper connections. It is a a really gross job to replace it (IMHO) but you can get out fishing
Hook up your pump to the battery to see if it works . If it does your switch is probably fried. If it doesn't get a new pump and try again.
Had the same thing happen today. Tried all my tricks that normally fix it. I rattled it around, poked the wires and even went under the dash to wiggle the wires near the switch. Gonna give it a better go next time as it was a pain to sponge out a bloody bilge.
Thanks guys, I put a tester on the wires before I went to work on friday and it was getting power so figured it must have been the float switch. At lunch i went home for a bite and was then planning on looking at it again, particularly the float switch and low and behold it was running but with no water in my bilge area!!! Fantastic. It would cut in at out when i lifted the switch and make some strange sounds so it made it obvious the pump was hooped. Plugged a new one in and it ran great. I also bought a second identical one, think thats a great idea to have on board.

Thanks for the suggestions

I'd mount that "second identical one" in the bilge and wire it into another float switch or a water witch style switch,I don't have much faith in the self contained
ones with built in float, Like already mentioned it doesnt take much to jam up a float, more of a worry if your moored rather then on the trailer, google water witch its pretty cool no moving parts to jam and easy install, you can even add a 3 way switch if you want so you can have manual and auto modes if your not always with the boat
then go buy another one just to keep for back-up.
I run 2 pumps, I know some guys run 3 or more
I have two pumps, one with a float switch mounted a little higher and one with a dash switch mounted lower. Another way as a back up emergency is to Y in to your wash down pump. You can use one of those garden Y things that you put on your outside tap that two hoses hook up to. Put the single end to the pump side. Than the other two one goes to your bilge, the other one to the raw water feed. This way you have three pumps.
That water witch switch is awesome, Ill have to get one. The second pump is probably something I should look into also.

Thanks for the advice guys

The water witch is definately a nice way to go, no floats to stick and real simple 3 wire install,
gives you manual and auto on functions, I just leave that one switched to auto all the time though