Biggest Spring

46.6lbs off of ohiat Is. in Barcley sound.Just installed a new chartplotter in my boat,was out giving it a test run saw a bunch of bait boiling.Dropped a green hotspot,6 foot leader with a firecracker anchovy to 31 feet.Before I could get back to my seat the rod poped and that's it.
quote:Originally posted by yo mama

My personal best is a 57lbs and guided is a 64 and 68 lbs springs in the Charlottes, all of them on mooching weights and cut plug herring.


I hate to break it to ya Fishin Magician but that 82lber "hooks in the mouth" is a long standing rumour everyone love to belive. I personally saw the fish after it was landed. No hooks in the mouth. I've heard that one a few time now...

No big deal--could care less if there were hooks in the mouth or not--but people are still spreading that rumour one was from the lodge itself. I had 1 of those big fish on 24 hours before that one was caught, and a 64 was caught just a couple of days before that as well, that was a tremendous week for large fish in the Charlottes that year.

There's very few gladiators out there like that anymore, and personally, I'm glad that the fish actually got away, as my guest, was an avid trophy hunter and told me he had several large fish/animals on his estate. It's hard to say if a once in a lifetime "biggest fish of the decade" like that gets to the boat would get released---ultimately, it's the guests call.

Ultimately though, fish like that though should be mandatory to release--and looking back now, I wish that were the case long ago.

The Charlottes are one of the last areas on the coast that have access to those large fish, and even the lodge programs may be too little, too late.
I will agree with you Magician. There is no doubt that large fish come in waves or "runs".

The best "big fish year" that I saw would have to be 2001 or 2002 for the Charlottes.

It is nice to see the lodge programs paying more attention to catch and release. magician is right, it is ultimately the guests decision to bonk or to release however the guide plays a huge roll in that decision. Many guides I know will start the trip or the day off with their on little talk about catch and release, the millions of babies a large chinook will produce, yada, yada. The same holds true for Chinook as it does for Ling Cod.

However on the other hand many of the north coasr lodge clientel are red neck type people from south of the border and east of us that no nothing other than kill kill kill

Just my two cents

biggest fish I got a scale on was 42 on the Fraser in late June landed it by myself with out a net. last year I was out along ( wife was to green to go out again) at south bank out of Ucluelet, releasing fish all day was so tired. at the end of the day this fish hit the 5" 500 to mic... long fight air time sounding....finally tailed it, didn't get a picture or weight, but it was way way more fish than the 42, white spring... didn't take it out of the water. that one finished me off and definitely was my biggest.
Hey update on those lodge programs, I,m sorry to report a lot more of these large tyees are now being bonked! Although insentives are still talked about as per release programs, the majority of these fish ...over 40 now hit the dock.As you know, the fishing has dropped off up there for the last couple seasons,especially the early season.

Glad to here everyone at least talking release of these genetically superior fish.We have to start somewhere and you guys are right, most guests are looking for direction on this regard. Keep up the good work!
O.K. Being a fisherman I'll bite.

91 lbs 3 oz caught casting buzzbombs off the seawall (below prospect point) in van:D

The photo burned in a freak accident:(

Ya I hear ya Magician. I have had the same kinds of guests counting how many steaks they could "git out dat big ol' son betch king".

That year was a crazy one for biggggg springs and possibly the last we will ever see that much size in one are every again.
As Brettzky and I are sittin here enjoying a few lucks we were pondering over the days of Naden. For Brettzky a 63 release and two other,s over 60 in a week..
As for dirty, a 61 back in the day's of River's. Tugged with one in the N. Charlottes would of went 70 plus.
42 lb for me in Barkley sound. Biggest I saw caught was 65 + (our scale on board only went to 65 lbs.) but that was commercial trolling at Langara. You bring a 65 lb fish to the surface with the hydraulic gurdy, then it's you, 40 ft of fish line and a 6 ft bungee tied to the end of the boom. It presents it's own special problems...
quote:Originally posted by Nerka

O.K. Being a fisherman I'll bite.

91 lbs 3 oz caught casting buzzbombs off the seawall (below prospect point) in van:D

The photo burned in a freak accident:(


sounds like a fish story to me !;)
You alway's got first pass though Mama, sorry for cleaning up the sloppy
Personal best for me was a 67 out of Haines Alaska. Big disappointment, bite to net took about 20 mins. Kind of a boot too. Im hindsight, I probably wo0uld have released it nowadays. Oh well, it was a long time ago...

Personal guided best was a 63 out of Blackfish Sound. Total beast. Took close to 2 hrs to bring to the boat with a pretty skilled guest, and we covered almost 3 miles in the tide. I'll NEVER foreget that one!

Finally, while working on the Packer Boat San Joelyn 3 out of Bella Coola in 1986, we wieghed in a 92 lb Chinook caught just South of Namu in a gillnet. That was one huge fish. Bet BC Packers had to find a bigger can to fit that one in!

Thats it for now...

22 lbs spring china creek in front of campsite 30 ft dopwn glow in the dark hootchie and also got a 20 lbs the same day to 30 mions after
There have been 6 fish over 40# in my freezer over the years. The biggest was 45#, all caught from Nootka north using bait.Nothing over 40# for 06 though.
54 pounds 1991 swale rock.(barclay sound) anchovie ane red hot spot flasher.Have picture but no idea how to post them.