Best Trout Pools on the Cow

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Me and the wife took the fly rods and made our way to the Cow and started up at a place called "road pool" and then to past stoltz pool it was to fast. Where else should I go for trout on the fly?
The upper river above the old 70.2 mile rail bridge was my favoutite spots many years ago when I fly fished (haven't done that for awhile!)try the Rips pool and the old Cabin pool late spring and early summer.
White moth fly in the late evening rose some very nice brown trout , took some up to 6 lbs from those pools.


any way to access the other side of the river? from the town down to skutz?
You used to be able to get there via the logging roads , but I believe they have deactivated them.
You can hike down to the river from around the old 3 mile settlement (on the old Lake Cowichan Hghy) and spend the day mooching along the banks and working over the runs and pools lots of great ground to cover , I found that the Royal Coachman was an excellent locator fly to rise them then you could be more hatch specific when looking for the "big one " !


I've caught trout to about 18-20" from san juan area - so there certainly are trout of good size in that watershed, just not very many of them. You're better off fishing the cowichan for trout.
Good call on hitting the cow for numbers. I just love the area up at renfrew! Then again to me its more than catching fish. Nothing like being up to your ballz in cold running water watching bears take a crap from a stones throw away. Kind weird question to ask but can I use a good 6w fly rod for steelhead? thanks all!
San Juan is not noted for many trout of size , better off going into Fairy Lake and /or fish the mouth for cuts.
You can take a look around at the other systems there but the flows are pretty strong right now.
Cowichan should be getting into swing now for trout , as for 6w for steelhead , its your line I guess , I have a 6w Hardy that I use for trout and never contemplated using it for steelies , don't think you can run fast enough down the river banks to keep up with them after they have spooled your line on a small fly reel though.
If you try it let me know how you did.


I do use a 6 wt. for small stream steelheading...dryfly mainly. Rare for a fish to leave a pool under these circumstances. On larger waters, like the Cowichan, there is nothing to stop a race for tidewater and a 6 wt. won't allow for the pressure necessary. There is also the factor of the speed of the flow. Small streams don't have the incessant current flow of the larger streams which will unnecessarily delay the landing and release of an exhausted steelie on too light tackle. While I may consider keeping a hatchery fish from the Stamp, for instance, I release 99.9% of the steelies I hook and to play them to exhaustion on light tackle in a large river is questionable ethics. It is important to treat our treasures with the respect they deserve. Tight lines!
Ok so I need a bigger rod like a 7 or 8w for the steeles. Not a fan of making them exausted so they can't even survive the current or running my a$$ down river. Thats plain mean. I am almost C&R 100% too. So I should stick to teh cow then. There i some mighty current on the cow (as of last week) We are going to head up to the river again this sunday and try the tressle area, seems to slow down there and create pools for them. Thanks all.
anyone know what the water level is like on the cow? I'm thinking of heading there tomorow for brownies. I heard the fishing is slow this year but picking up. But i'd like to know if it is low enough to really fish

The cowichan looks like it is just over 1 metre.A little higher than usuall for this time of year.
I was going to just start at skutz and work my way up but it doesn't look lkie I'm going to be able to go today.
Me and my bud tried two spots both were good. One was under the 60mile tressle and just down from that at the tubers pullout pool. I don't know if any of you have been down under that tressel but there is a few cement holes where the support beams go in to. Anyways there was a few carcuses down there including 2 deer and one beaver. Should I call some one about it? Because it is really a man made trap for wild animals that they have no help in getting out. Those holes should be filled so nothing could get caught down there. Help me out guys what should be done?
yeah 3 over 15". Was great!! Lots of white water kayakers coming down too! They were really friendly and quick and courtious getting out of our way.
The biggest was a browner but the rest RB or cutties. I try to have them off the hook asap so little time to observe
