Best Sockeye Tip U can give

Hold my rod

New Member
So, we hear these Salmon can be hard to catch.

Whats your main advice or tip that you can give to newbies.

In the mean time I'll just , Hold My Rod and be ready haha

If you trust your sounder, troll fast until you find a new school, then troll slow and try to stay on it, then troll fast till you find a new school once you lose it.
The use of stacking dummies, flashers, kone zone , lake trolls , flashers, change speed when nothing is working troll only as fast to make the flashers roll, then speed up if no strikes. Circle back on strike areas, so yes you need to make turns and straight is not always great ....
Green flashers often outfish red. Whatever color you're using make sure they are all the same color. Purple Haze is often a good flasher too, as is Purple/Gold.

Don't be afraid to switch up tackle if no day one color is hot, the next could be different....leader lengths anywhere from 18 inches to 30.

Dummies and bling are over-rated. If only fishing two rods, extra bling is ok.

If fishing four rods, extra bling and dummies not needed.

When setting clips , put your Hotspot-type flasher about 5 feet back of the main...........for all four flashers.

Speed isn't critical with Sockeye......they'll hit from dead slow on up to Chinook speed.

They will respond to quite a bit of various lures.

We have found that regardless of what you see on the finder where it shows Sockeye up top and shallow in, say, 15ft of water it is still the deeper fish that tend to bite more. (deeper being anywhere from 35ft to over 100ft)

And in some areas the geographical direction of troll seems to make a difference. Geographical direction being WEST. Although it isn't always the case.

If slow works...then fish slow. If fast works, then fish fast. Try different things.

Once it works...don't fix it until it's broken.

Often times with Sockeye it's "all or nothing" troll and get no hits and then suddenly all of your rods go off, when you encounter a school.

Don't "play" soon as their on, keep winding in (but not too forcefully)....that way they and the flasher will come to the surface and you can "surf" them in much easier.

Time is of the essence when you get them to the boat...every split second you waste time messing around there's a big chance they will get free.

This is when a good net-person is to die for.

Use a long handled net and co-ordinate the timing with the net person so that the fish comes in and with one scoop the fish is in the boat.

More sockeye are lost right at the boat than any other reason.
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More sockeye are lost right at the boat than any other reason.

this is the single best tip yet, and you and everyone else will lose sockeye, don't let it get you down.

ill offer up 1 tip too, do not clear the rest of your gear when fish are on, leave as much in the water as possible, if your stacked and bottom line goes off, drop that top line down if you can, if top goes off pull bottom up, often you will hookup again,
Great advice from every one. Keep it coming I love the difference of opinion and methods.

Going to show these guys how to get some fish in das boot .

Thanks fishers

Short set back off clip, and match depth with other rods when getting hits like Hookin'up described.
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Pink is the new orange. I was fishing with two dummy flashers and two rods with flashers and hoochies, similar set ups except one hoochie was more of an orange colour and the other was pink. The pink hoochie was getting four times the hits than the orange. Once I switched the orange out for a pink hoochie both rods were getting into fish. The orange hoochie was a similar shape to the first pink hoochie, whereas the second pink hoochie was much longer and had tandem hooks. In this case the colour was most important. Good thing there was a woman in the boat because I could hardly tell the difference in colour.