Best place and month to fish hali's on VI ?

Saltwater Cowboy

Active Member
Hey everone, I haven't done a huge amount of winter hali fishing so I'm curious as to where the best place to go this winter would be and when? I know that every year is different but a genereal oppinion would be appreciated. I prefer to drift for hali's instead of anchor so that might nullify some locations! Lets' start the debate!


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Hey Kelly! :P ya i think the jordan river - sooke area would be pretty sure swiftsure is during the summer, but dont no about winter..or if youde want to go out there at that time of year! :P

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Just a tad bouncy on the banks in the late fall and early winter, i would suspect. A few hardcores hit Oak bay flats,Race rocks and constance off Victoria on the odd good weather day. October has been be pretty good in the past. I have a trip for next week if the weather cooporates. JR is a bit of a run this time of year, To bouncy for me. Good luck
Others may disagree. But this is my mind-set - For now. May change latter, depending on responses.

Hali migrate off to the very, deep, deep waters off of the shelf during the winter months to spawn. then they start back late winter, early spring to their feeding grounds. Traditionally March seems a good time to hit the big flatties - Just as the season re-opens. Then they are half starved and feeding voraciously.

I'd say if you are looking for a Christmas fish....You are going to need an extremely large capacity reel. One that could hold, say, two thousand yards of the tuff stuff. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

If I were to go out tomorrow, I'd likely consitrate on spawned out river mouths, along the outer island coast(?).

Well put Mr.Dean, Late October has been the latest iv'e got out for hali with a decent sucess rate. I know of a buddy who pulled eight from 25-50lbs into the boat just before Haloween. late febuary is the earliest i have dared to venture out. Can't beat a few wobblies a winter Spring or two and then a couple hali. To top it off you can head for the hills and Snowboard all in a weekend, gotta love this chunk of rock !!! Uncle Roy, Are you Hunting deer on the flatlands again, stay outta those teepee's, Wolf ???
Thanks for the info guys! I was more curious as to February onwards for places to fish Hali's and more areas around the mid to morthern part of the island. Thanks for all the help!


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Island OUtfitters actually gave me a couple of coordintates,one out from Beechy head and one near Constance Bank. I tried Beechy and just got a few rockfish (260 -300 feet deep). Also tried Constance without an anchor, simillar depth but the boat was moving around with wind etc.. got nothing.

Anyone want to trade co-ordinates? :) or advice? I really would prefer to fish without an anchor but it is difficult I think. But with my crew, anchoring just seems too tricky..
