Best day ever!

Charter Tofino

Well-Known Member
I am not a skilled river fisherman at all i ushually dont get a thing.
I fished for 2.5 hours today at a small river north of Nanaimo. The first 2 hours i didnt hook a thing. i saw the odd chum roll. I decided to walk up to the next pool and try my luck there. I was useing a pink dymara spoon and a blue fox #4. First cast i throw the dymara into the current. My line tightens and i see a huge chrome coho take off. But i lost him after a second. I was sooo mad i missed my chance. But to my suprise the same one or a simaler one took my spoon and i wasnt letting him get away. I fought him for a while and got him in. He was a beauty about 8-10lbs. I was fishing alone and i decided to bring a camera just incase i caught one to show my parents i do catch fish. I skillfully fought the fish with one hand and tried to take a picture with the other. I didnt want to take the fish on the beach because it was C&R only. So i got a picture and let him go. Next cast i had a smaller coho hit but not get hooked. Next cast i got him and did the same thing as the one before and got a decent picture. He was about 5 pounds. After about 10 more cast i got a beauty cutthroat about 4 pounds and released it. After that it was time to go and boy was i happy. After 5 trips with nothing this more than made up for it

How do you post pics???

beachcomber NANOOSE
I'm an avid fishermen of the Englishmen and would love to see the pics. Where abouts were you fishing on the river?
Above the bridge in snaggers pool. No one else there it was nice. The rivers still really high but the vis is alot better. I just was letting the the current do the action. I had the cutt and the smaller coho hit at the surface. If you want i will email u pics.

beachcomber NANOOSE
Hey Kellya,

where abouts is snaggers pool? Are ytou familiar with the upper river at all(the place everyone in Parksville swims in the summer)? Im assuming by bridge you mean the old island highway bridge right before it goes into parksville.Im going to be in th area ina few weeks to try my luck.
Whoops i forgot to say were it is. Lol i made up that name. This pool is super easy to acces. You can park anywere near the orange bridge and fish from the rock ledge near the motel.

beachcomber NANOOSE
Took a 24.2 and a 17.6 lb. by measurement on a little west side river I know of today. Sounds like the Englishman and the Nan. are a little busy as of late.. Glad I made the right
Speaking of best day ever. How about 80 Coho hooked, 60+ landed between 2 very experienced rods in 2 days fishing. Biggest Coho 21 pounds and dripping with lie....Now that's the best day ever and it happened just a few ago!!

Pass the Pack
can u tell me when the nanaimo river is open dfo told me its closed till oct 26 im just up the road and would like to fish it
Took a 24.2 and a 17.6 lb. by measurement on a little west side river I know of today. Sounds like the Englishman and the Nan. are a little busy as of late.. Glad I made the right

Gerry Hemmings