" province's decision is a substantial overstep that could put guide outfitters out of business. "
One has to wonder what's going on in the Horgan governments closed door meetings, I'm not aware of the revenue for hunting is to the province, i imagine its not unsubstantial, they obviously haven't cared about the loss of revenue to fishing guides in the straight either.
Yet you interpret that to mean she, and her band, were in support of these impositions?
It would appear that speaking with forked tongues is not limited to Whitey...
masculinity is hard to control, the progressives know this, which is why they attack it at ever opportunity, a feminized male population is much easier to control, this is the root reason for the attacks on oil, hunting, fishing, guns or anything traditionally male.Politics not science driving moose hunt changes
B.C.’s hunting and wildlife community says politics, not science, is driving the province’s changes to caribou and moose hunting regulations in the Peace Region.
The government announced last week it was scrapping open season on moose hunting in the Peace – traditionally from Aug. 15 to Oct. 31 – and implementing limited entry hunting rules that would include full closures in August and early October. Caribou hunts in the region were closed entirely.
But wildlife stewardship and habitat conservation aren’t the government’s primary consideration, said Jesse Zeman, executive director of the BC Wildlife Federation.
Politics not science driving moose hunt changes, say critics - Northern Beat
"There’s no room for politics in wildlife management," says BC Wildlife Federation executive director Jesse Zeman.northernbeat.ca