BC Salmon Go Extinct?


Well-Known Member
I do not mean to demoralize anybody here today but I need to share this with you all. I have learnt today from very influential parts of our provincial government that they have reason to believe that salmon are likely not going to be around in southern BC anymore in 10 - 15 years from now. Isn't that an aweful thought? They apparently have data and studies of climate change that show salmon on the extinction list that soon already. That really made my day...What now? Sell the house and emmigrate to Alaska?
Show me the data! I'm not saying I agree or disagree but to make statements like this without supporting data just stirs the pot and is not at all productive.

oy oy oy oy oy

No salmon no halibut...Daddys selling the boat and moving to Arizona.
Anyone in the market for a 20ft Intruder? [:eek:)]

cheer up

Although, we may quote ya in 10 years, chris.
And Yes I'm really pist not being able to get my poon bloody on Friday. Just another month of sharpening hooks[V]
Someone has been smoking the good stuff again....I wonder if these were the same people that let 80,000 springs be netted in the inlet last year? Their "data" didnt work out too well last year. Please try to get your hands on one of these X-files....;)
...or maybe more BS from the farmers. I thought sven was going to cream himself. [:eek:)]
This was not an official statement (yet) - no press release or anything. This came out of personal discussions with people that sit and lead several committees and subcommittees about impacts of climate change in BC. I am not sure if you are aware that the government spends quite a bit money to figure out whether it is better to fight climate change at the source or brace and prepare for the impacts. It seems that the latter provides more bang for the buck. But somewhere in this preparational process, salmon seem to be written off already... unsaveable... SerengetiGuide, you just may roll your eyes and maybe you are right with your endless optimism but what if not? Besides that it had nothing to do with climate change but I am sure that some fishermen on the east coast were rolling their eyes similar like you 20 years ago; "How could Atlantic Cod ever disappear! C'mon, let's keep netting..." Well, I tell you, sometimes things do not turn out alright...And it is disheartening to see that our government may just accept the fact and moves on with the agenda...
About 15 years ago or thereabouts the then local branch of the SSBC here sponsored a visit and presentation by Dr. Kees Groot.
He was retired from DFO then but had spent years analyzing data and doing research and was recognized as one of the "experts" on climate change and particularly how warming waters in the Pacific were going to affect salmon.
Salmon don't like water warmer than about 14 degrees celsius and are rarely found in the ocean when the temp exceeds that.
Dr. Groot basically told us that we will lose most of our salmon except for Chinook, which seem able to withstand warmer water better.
Factor in the warmer water in the Fraser the past few years and the resultant die-offs we've witnessed and it's obvious that salmon are getting progressively into more and more trouble.
Factor in everything else that adversely affects salmon and it's a wonder we have any left at all.
And remember that coho, Chinook, sockeye and steelhead all must survive at least one year in freshwater before smolting and going to sea.
The freshwater environment has also been severely compromised by our actions, which is why those species seem to always be in trouble whereas the pink and chum that go to sea immediately after hatching seem to be in better shape, except for the Broughton area stocks of course.

We live in a capitalistic society and those with the capital usually call the shots.
It has ever been that way and will not change without a severe revolution, and that's not about to happen.

Revolting eh what?

Take care.
well I'd like to see more then "I heard from a friend" that salmon will be extinct. I wouldn't be overly surprised if you're right but I sure hope not.

Under that logic though, wouldn't California, Oregon and Washington state be extinct, since their waters warm before ours do?
Lets look at the US. states that have had warm water for a while.
They still have salmon and steelhead.
But as noted just think of all the new species that will be here.
Just a change of tackle and away we go.
"Under that logic though, wouldn't California, Oregon and Washington state be extinct, since their waters warm before ours do?"

Not really.
As an old surfer who has ridden waves in the Queen Charlottes and as far south as near San Diego, I can assure you that the water off Washington, Oregon and (Northern) California is generally colder than up here.
We are influenced somewhat by the Japanese Current and can have much warmer water than south of us.

Just so ya know. :D

Take care.
My head says I have to go along with Chris73 on this one.My heart says something else.
Lets just hope hes wrong... If what Chris says happens in the next 15 years, we all have ALOT more to worry about other than fishing.
I hope it's wrong, although indicators are that it could be happening now. Look at the derby cancellation link. It's the cancellation of the SSES Sooke Salmon Derby as a direct concern for returns. This may have been discussed elsewhere.

I hope our kids get the same opportunities to catch the salmon that we have.

If your Government Officials are 1- 16th as lame as the ones we have in the USA then its a coin flip. The worst thing they do around here is guess the Springer runs. One thing they have gotten quite adept at is predicting the Sea Lions that will be waiting at the Fish Ladder at Bonneville Dam. As far as Climate Change goes, we are experiencing Record Snow Fall. All this while the Dim Witt's at the local weather channel can't even get a five day forecast right. I don't trust their Climate Models, perhaps if I buy a Tin Foil Hat:D:D:D it will all make sense. I would put my bet on the Salmon as they are tougher than some folks think. I will continue to support the fight against the Seals, Fish Farms or Predatory Birds that prey on the Fry that need to be protected. Neither animal or Human should get unfettered access to molest or degrade the Salmon that we all love and respect. :(:(:(
KZ, you're right: Global warming is not an excuse for neglecting to protect salmon from fish farms and other major forms of human stupidity.
I just recieved this response to an email I sent in december

Dear Darcey M:

The Honourable Gordon Campbell has asked me to respond to your email of December 20, 2007, regarding provincial salmon fisheries. As Minister responsible, I am pleased to respond.

A key component to the Province’s commitment to sustainable salmon, both wild and farm, was the establishment of the Special Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture and the Pacific Salmon Forum. Both groups provide a neutral point of view to make available impartial information on the management of wild and farm salmon independent of government direction.

I would like to assure you that the government is currently reviewing all of the recommendations, issues and points of view from the reports released by the Special Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture and the Pacific Salmon Forum. Current provincial policy on salmon farming is not at an end point. Should evidence arise indicating that further or different action is necessary, government is committed to altering course and responding in a meaningful way to ensure the long-term preservation of wild stocks.

If you would like more detailed information, please contact:

Myron Roth, Aquaculture Analyst
Aquaculture Development Branch
Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

e-mail: Myron.Roth@gov.bc.ca

Thank you for writing and sharing your concern.

Original signed by:
Pat Bell

pc: Honourable Gordon Campbell