DFO Minister Announcement.


Well-Known Member
Just received this from SVIAC

Minister Murray … “Time’s Up!!” The Southern BC Public Chinook Fishery is stuck in crisis. From April until August, now for the fifth straight year, non-retention of Chinook has been implemented in Georgia, Haro and Juan de Fuca Straits. This is a call to action for all salmon anglers.

Abundant hatchery fin-clipped Chinook, mainly of US Washington State origin, are present in our waters right now and Canadians anglers should have reasonable access to those fish. The SFAB and DFO Pacific fisheries staff have designed clean defensible hatchery Chinook retention opportunities so anglers can regain a smidgeon of their spring fishery back. They only want to keep ONE hatchery fish and these proposed fisheries will not negatively impact Fraser River stocks of concern.

South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition, the Public Fishery Alliance and the Fraser River Sportfishing Alliance have come together to fight against these injustices. The angling community must also unite and make our displeasure known in the Halls of the House of Commons in Ottawa. Please check out the South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SouthVancouverIslandAnglersCoalition and the Public Fishery Alliance Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/publicfisheryalliance

Keep an eye open for these future activities –
  1. An Upcoming Paper Petition – (we’ll need you to sign it)
  2. The Victoria Outdoor Adventure Show April 21 – 23 – PFA and SVIAC are sharing space (booths 514 and 515) – come on out and see us at the show
  3. Two Town Hall meetings in Early May – one in Victoria and one in Vancouver – a strong turnout of anglers will be critical

I trust you value our salmon fishery enough to go sign our petition and attend the show and town halls

Many thanks!
Christopher Bos
President SVIAC
Director PFA
Well folks - if there ever was a time to stand up for our public salmon fishery in BC the time is NOW!
Time to write the minister and your MP, time to sign the upcoming petition, time to attend the town hall in early May, time to volunteer and/or financially support the PFA and SVIAC.

If you care about the future of salmon fishing in BC for you, your family and friends, coastal economies and future generations it is time to act!

We need to stand united on this to push back the politically driven mismanagement of our public fishery before it is completely shutdown and destroyed like it has been on the east coast. Let's all rise to the challenge with strength in large numbers and push back with some political force and impact to make some positive changes!
need to follow what the french do when they protest ....

media involved .... and get the fleet out and block the port rivers en- mass not just one day but for several weekend's get 300-400 boats out at each arm then we may get noticed........ till then sadly, going about it all nicely like typical Canadian's where just mushroom's ......
It's time the minister was pulled.:mad: Nice choice Justin.... Can't wait for the election

Unfortunately it needs to go much deeper than a party change or a minister change, Bernadette Jordan was brutal, Jonothan Wilkinson implemented many of the closures we see today, the whole DFO top office needs to go starting with Rebecca Reid
Wilkinson is the worst ever in my opinion!

DFO needs to be gutted,scrapped, gone!
It’s just another federal trough of cash with hogs lined up. Hand it over to the Province, it would still be a mess with the NDP, but maybe save billions and have a glimmer of hope!
It makes zero difference what face is the head of the department. You might as well have an AI robot in there as all they are doing is taking orders from higher up. Dfo is compromised, they no longer have our wild stocks and fisheries as a priority unless its for fn. They've already been outed for siding and warning fish farms about up coming decisions before they are publicly released. They've lied over and over again about removing all farms from the ocean in BC. This post from the minister is just more proof they would rather be in business with foreign fish farm companies than try and keep an industry going that brings in over a billion dollars to the economy. Countless charter companies are sitting here waiting to hear something from the department about a msf or the further expansion of whale zones that would essentially end their businesses, but no the minister is abroad touring fish farms. We have the data that shows we can have a select msf in the sog but dfo haven't implemented it because of the fn bands on the fraser, they've already admitted that previously. Their closure after closure approach and now these absurd whale zones that have no basis in facts and science are further proof. I don't know what the answer is, this government isn't going anywhere for a few years at least. The previous government also did nothing for our fisheries, muzzled dfo scientists and cut funding to dfo.
So Question here. People are farming fish now in remote locations and having great success. Since that seems like where the industry is heading, what the actual **** does that have to do with fisheries and oceans? All you need is a provincial / municiple business licence, and or a export licence.

So my question is how is it that its ok for her to be learning about private business and not managing our FISHERY?!
because DFO regulates the ONP industry as it is both a "fishery" on it's own using public resources - but also can impact wild stocks.
because DFO regulates the ONP industry as it is both a "fishery" on it's own using public resources - but also can impact wild stocks.
Only if it's parked ontop of a tenure and pumping in and out using natural resources from the ocean

You could literally buy some farm land in Alberta and put an on land and pump out a billion dollars worth of product and have zero to do with the ocean or the feds

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Agree w you SH that on-land CC would have almost zero impacts (some nitrates in make-up water discharges) - but current ONP technology which is most of the FF industry uses free pumping, free sewerage and free real estate courtesy of the public and the public resources along w impacts to wild stocks.

The feds and especially DFO got hijacked back in the late 90s by Yves Bastion where he designated DFO to promote as well as regulate the industry and took the FFs right out of CEAA and any defensible & usual risk assessment methodologies. Another topic for another thread perhaps.

But in the Morton Decision (2009) aquaculture was defined as a "fishery" and purportedly have to abide by the same regulations like Conditions of Licence - but as with everything with this industry was also exempt from conditions common in commercial fisheries like 3rd party monitoring and hail in/out, etc.

So, answering your question above (post #14) that's what the actual **** ONP aquaculture has to do with fisheries and oceans...
I am hesitant on this one. I will sign petition but truthfully she made her mind already.

At this stage it seems clear she does not care or else that answer would have came last month. Regardless yes or no.

Beyond disappointed.

We need a new direction with a different government.
The best way for a petition to not be effective is for people to decide not to sign it.

The way this paper petition can work is that we can present petition multiple times the more signatures we get. So to increase the political impact every signature counts.

If you haven’t signed it yet go to your better tackle shop and sign it over the 2 weeks. The more signatures the more impact! Time to make a stand!