BC Salmon Go Extinct?

I just recieved this response to an email I sent in december

Dear Darcey M:

The Honourable Gordon Campbell has asked me to respond to your email of December 20, 2007, regarding provincial salmon fisheries. As Minister responsible, I am pleased to respond.

A key component to the Province’s commitment to sustainable salmon, both wild and farm, was the establishment of the Special Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture and the Pacific Salmon Forum. Both groups provide a neutral point of view to make available impartial information on the management of wild and farm salmon independent of government direction.

I would like to assure you that the government is currently reviewing all of the recommendations, issues and points of view from the reports released by the Special Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture and the Pacific Salmon Forum. Current provincial policy on salmon farming is not at an end point. Should evidence arise indicating that further or different action is necessary, government is committed to altering course and responding in a meaningful way to ensure the long-term preservation of wild stocks.

If you would like more detailed information, please contact:

Myron Roth, Aquaculture Analyst
Aquaculture Development Branch
Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

e-mail: Myron.Roth@gov.bc.ca

Thank you for writing and sharing your concern.

Original signed by:
Pat Bell

pc: Honourable Gordon Campbell
Don't need global warming to make them go extinct. With Alaska taking the 4th largest commercial salmon kill/haul since Alaska's statehood. That alone will kill them off. When is Ted Stevens going to prison? This needs to stop. How can you have accurate records like global warming when they do kills like this?