BC Liberal Lobbyists

More like partisan propaganda.

Hmmm. He calls out the BC Conservatives on their religious right fanatic base. He calls out the NDP on their do nothing approach to being the official opposition, he openly criticizes the Greens for existing, oh and he calls out the Liberals more often than any other party as they are supplying the material. Hardly partisan propaganda. Take the time to have a look and see what he is saying on all topics.
In the big leagues it is one thing to throw a 100 mph hardball, yet another to throw one at 75 mph. If I wanted to work for a particular party I would do exactly that in order to appear independent while working for a party. If I REALLY wanted to work for party, I would keep my ears open and mouth shut so I could hear what the public is saying and leave it to others to sway public opinion.
In reality, the best maintained books in this province, according to accountants, has been the NDP. Period. Not even close. The contrary belief is a myth created by the Socred/Liberals and perpetuated by the media. The convention centre, BC Place combined are probably double the ferries. Those ferries are doing well right now, earning big money after they were purposively sold cheap.

According to which accountants? Got a link to any proof for that statement?
Well thanks to the Liberals we have a debt load from the Olympics my kids will be paying for in 20 yrs. Glad we did that.

Thanks to the NDP we have a debt load from the fast ferries that we have been paying for 10 years and will be for the next. Glad we did that.
I don't care which government it is, it seems they are best at taxing you to the max and taking the money and giving it away to less fortunate countries to make themselves look good!
Well at least it seems that way. :)

It was Gordon Campbell who gave away our ferries to his buddy Kyle Washington for far below scrap value.
The ferries he gave away were perfectly good.....just needed a bit of tweaking.

But oh no.....Not Adolf Campbell......he has to throw good money out the window and then have new ones built that have broken down on a regular basis..... and aren't any better than the ones he got rid of......

Talk about a waste of MY and YOUR money.......

The Liberals are real good at wasting money.

They haven 't had a balanced budget for 5 straight years.....

The Olympic Boondoggle will be costing us for years to come.

The Olympics is no longer about amateurs competing homestly.....it is a business Corporation looking for big ticket revenues....and that's why they are kicking wrestling out of it.
The Olympic Corp. doesn't care who it steps on to achieve it's self-serving goals.
Which is why they are so good buds with the Liberals....who have exactly the same outlook.

People leaving B.C. for for other jobs when the NDP were in?

Hah !!

Just about 98% of me and my wife's kin and relatives work either in Ontario or Alberta........and they left since the Liberals were in power.
Thanks seafever, that gave me a good laugh. Especially the part where you insinuate that the NDP are better for business / jobs than the Liberals.

Anyways, if you believe the polls then it's pretty much a given that the NDP will end up back in power. I look forward to taking it up the rear and paying more taxes to pay for the NDP lining the union pockets and bloating the social services sector.

Maybe I'll go work in Alberta for the next 4 years and just come back for the fishing? lol.