BC Liberal Lobbyists


Well-Known Member
Ive been seeing this ad on TV from the "Concerned Citizens 4 BC" on their website they claim....
We’re a group of concerned citizens. Mothers, fathers, retirees, employers and employees.

We come from all parts of BC. We love this province and its hard-won prosperity, and considering what’s going on in the rest of the world we’re concerned about its future.

Fair enough, I'm concerned too...... BUT who are these "concerened" people..... I did a little checking and found a phone number to contact them. Perhaps give them a call and see what it was all about.
I thought I would put their telephone number in my favorite search engine.... (604) 678–8162
This is what I got....
The number is for the Wazuku Advisory Group
So who are these guy's I thought..... well no need to check any more as this popped up also.

CC4BC: Liberal Lobbyists behind ‘non-partisan’ group

I owe this one to a tweet from Rod Smelser.
Like 2009 and 2005 a number of “citizen’s groups” are springing up full of good advice and spin to help voters make up their minds as we head into an election. In other words, they bash the NDP and whoever leads them. One of the first out of the gate this time around is CC4BC, a “Free Enterprise” supporting, we care about citizens but gosh we’re concerned about the fact that the BC Liberals look like they are on life-support, kind of group. CC4BC is headed by Christy Clark advisor Jim Shephard, a former Canfor exec. The rest of the group – staff, funders, spinners – is under wraps. Except for a phone number. If you want to donate to the group just call 604-678-8162 it says on the “how you can help” page of CC4BC’s website. The number doesn’t belong to some non-partisan concerned citizens group. It belongs to Wazuku Consulting, a lobbyist super-group made up of partners Mike Watson (BC Liberal appointee), Brad Zubyk (BC Liberal lobbyist, Christy Clark leadership campaigner) and Stephen Kukucha (Christy Clark by-election campaign). Now that’s not unexpected. CC4BC is a pretty thinly disguised Christy Clark front group. But it’s what may come that is interesting.
This is not the first front group that Zubyk’s been involved in. In 2009 Zubyck was one of the consultants behind Phil Hochstein’s multi-million dollar attack campaign, belying his 2007 testimony against union campaigns in which he said under oath “the idea that money equals voice is dangerous to democracy.” Hochstein’s vote smart campaign spent hundreds of thousands on 3rd party attack ads and websites all aimed at the NDP. Now it’s another election, so it’s time for another round of murky attack sites like CC4BC, supported by shadowy lobbyists like Wazuku, where money and connections equal lots and lots of voice.

Well seems to me you can't trust things you read on the internet can we.
Time to take back our community, our town, our city and province.
One step at a time.....
(clearing the fog, one whack a mole at a time)
So what's the solution-vote for that paradigm of virtue-ethics-the party with the fabulous track record of fiscal resposibility? Yeah i don't know who that is either!!
We might as well have a "Hells Angels Party" to vote for. Might be the more honest of the present choices. ;)
Sadly we have little choice... I hear you...
Thats the reason we have such voter apathy here, there is no good choice.
we are left choosing the best of the worst:(
BC politics you don't vote for a party you vote against one.
"The biggest argument against democracy is a five minute discussion with the average voter."
Sir Winston Churchill.
People tend to believe what they read, look at the internet for example. The media can play with voter's minds just by skewing the information a little. Many people are tried by the media before they even get to the courtroom.
Truth in advertising is letting them know just enough not the whole story.
Lying may be bad in Sunday School...but it's totally legal in politics.

Therefore because lying is legal....you cannot trust any party you are voting for.....
Therefore an election promise isn't worth the paper it's written on...

They all can and and do lie.
Much is made of the fact that people do not get out and vote.

I will be one of those people this year......there is no party in B.C. that I believe should get my vote.

Christy Clark??....pppfffftttt!

Adrian Dix???.....I used to be a NDP supporter....but now that he's at the wheel, that's gone out the window.....so....ppfffttt!

Green party??....don't make me laugh

B.C.Conservatives??....hmmm...the "invisible" party ....you never hear them say anything and you never see them...or John Dongen or anybody......

Communist party?....well...we already have the Liberals...so....
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It doesn't really help that you can get elected with 35% of the vote. No wonder we have apathy. Proportional representation or 50% plus 1 should be the norm.
Ok, I know everybody is mad at the liberals for the HST and other reasons..but don't be so short-sighted as to forget what it was like under the NDP in BC. High taxes, high unemployment, business and citizens flocking to other provinces in droves.

Everyone should educate themselves on the parties and not take the medias word as gospel. I personally remember the years under Vander Zalm, Harcourt and Clark. Things have been far better in my opinion since the NDP were ousted.

It truly is choosing the lesser of two evils. So choose wisely.
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If the NDP were in for the last four years, our massive deficits would be a result of their total mismanagement. When the liberals and other right wing governments are in power, it's never their fault. It's world forces. Time to put a government that is not self serving back in power. These posts have absolutely no value on this website. None!
Liberals- HST, run of river, fracking in bc's north, salmon farms being increased, brutal attack ads, mismanagement, and the list goes on and on..........

NDP - at least they are for the environment, and I think no party can do worse than the lieberals!

I know for sure that the liberals need to go. I think the NDP deserve another chance. Just my thoughts.
Liberals- HST, run of river, fracking in bc's north, salmon farms being increased, brutal attack ads, mismanagement, and the list goes on and on..........

NDP - at least they are for the environment, and I think no party can do worse than the lieberals!

I know for sure that the liberals need to go. I think the NDP deserve another chance. Just my thoughts.

That's your opinion and I respect that.

In my opinion the HST at 10% would have been a far better option for province than the GST/PST system.

Run of the river power projects are an excellent source of renewable power if they are not in sensitive watersheds.

Fracking, I am totally against.

Salmon farms, I'm totally against. After the Cohen commission whatever government that is in power is compelled to remove them.

Brutal attacks ads, get real. Every election, civic, provincial and federal across north America has attack adds by all parties. This is nothing new.

Mismanagement. Please provide your evidence that the Liberals have done a worse job at managing our province than the NDP did in the 90's.

I don't think the NDP deserve another chance. It's the same people that screwed things up big time in the 90's. Show me their fiscal plan for the future and how they are "for the environment" any more than the Liberals. If you are truly "for the environment" then perhaps voting green would make the most sense.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm just suggesting make it an informed one. Don't shoot yourself in the foot trying to get back at the Liberals for whatever issues you are upset about.
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That's your opinion and I respect that.

In my opinion the HST at 10% would have been a far better option for province than the GST/PST system.- AGREE! As long as BC maintains the control over our PST, something many people overlook, is that when the Provincial Gov. took the $1.4?Billion incentive to sign on to the HST, they SOLD our Provincial governance over OUR PST. The Federal Gov bought that for the $1.4? Billion "signing bonus".

Run of the river power projects are an excellent source of renewable power if they are not in sensitive watersheds.

Fracking, I am totally against.

Salmon farms, I'm totally against. After the Cohen commission whatever government that is in power is compelled to remove them. - AGREE

Brutal attacks ads, get real. Every election, civic, provincial and federal across north America has attack adds by all parties. This is nothing new.

Mismanagement. Please provide your evidence that the Liberals have done a worse job at managing our province than the NDP did in the 90's.

I don't think the NDP deserve another chance. It's the same people that screwed things up big time in the 90's. Show me their fiscal plan for the future and how they are "for the environment" any more than the Liberals. If you are truly "for the environment" then perhaps voting green would make the most sense. Their fiscal plan if you have any chance to listen to Adrian Dix speak in his public events etc, he has been promising this and that and the next thing (just to tell the people what they want to hear), and then one of the CKNW talk show hosts nailed him down on some of the "promises", and he asked Dix how he would Pay for all of the promises, and you know what his response was?.... The taxes will be going up! Personal and corporate! Sounds great to me - NOT!!!:mad:.
Also, I have not heard the NDP take a stance on any of the big Enviro issues, FISH FARMS, ENBRIDGE Pipeline, Run of the river projects, Log exports (now this issue is closely related to a legacy provided to us by the NDP, there once was a day that BC's TFL's - Timber Forest Lisences had to be attached to a sawmill, and some slimeball in the NDP surely got his palms greased to turn that one over, and now the large timber companies don't have to have a sawmill in order to harvest our forests, so now, they just ship our jobs over seas for the quickest easiest buck in the form of raw logs), the list of things that the NDP doesn't want to talk about goes on...... As I expected I have not heard anything of substance from them so far.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm just suggesting make it an informed one. Don't shoot yourself in the foot trying to get back at the Liberals for whatever issues you are upset about.

We can be sure that if the NDP gets in, we will have a government that "gets things done", but the question is, will they be doing things that will benefit us the people??? Based on past performances, time after time, they will only do what is best for themselves and then get booted at the next election, and then it will take several terms for the next governments to clean up the mess if it is even possible to clean up the mess! Once money is wasted how do you get it back - you can't! Just look at the Fast Ferries that the NDP built for way over costs, and then were sold off at pennies on the dollar because they weren't even the correct vessel for the job! We could go on for days with this, if you think that it can't get worse than the Liberals, just vote for the NDP and you will see!!!
Other than the fast cats, which were actually good boats with the wrong engines but built an aluminum fabricating base in B.C. that produces locally made pleasure boats and other equipment vs the Flensburgers that sent all our money overseas and arn't used much because they cost too much to operate name a few other specific screw ups since there apparently are so many. Same with Dix promising this and that and the next thing what exactly is he promising. Current Liberal screw ups 500 Million overun on Convention Centre, 500 Million Overun on The BC Place Stadium, Run of River at guaranteed rates way over the going rate for electricity(what kind of free enterprise is that) and we will pay in our Hydro Rates, Smart Meters 1 Billion that we cant afford but will pay for shortly in our hydro rates, 400 Million in a computer system that they got rid of because its no good, BC Rail where they give immunity to all the higher ups for rolling on the underlings and then pay their 6 Million Dollar Legal Bills (In all the Movies I ever watched they always get the underlings to roll to catch the BIG FISH), Oh yah and they lost two people when a ferry went right into an Island and sunk. There are more but just putting out some specific examples.
In reality, the best maintained books in this province, according to accountants, has been the NDP. Period. Not even close. The contrary belief is a myth created by the Socred/Liberals and perpetuated by the media. The convention centre, BC Place combined are probably double the ferries. Those ferries are doing well right now, earning big money after they were purposively sold cheap.
Ask yourself why millions have come into BC Liberals from Alberta oil producers and why millions more are on the way from $10,000 a plate dinners. A liberal victory will mean that BC will be awash in pipelines and we the tax payer will be left with cleanup costs.