Barkley Sound Report?

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5-Salt Fever

Headed to Bamfield in 12 days for a little fishing and R&R.

Anyone have any hali or salmon reports? Inshore, offshore, either or.

havent been out yet this year, but my buddies dad went out a week or so ago 7 miles off and he got 6 springs between 18 and 27lbs...........havent heard to much about the fishing inside though, should be starting to pick up some springs along bamfeild wall and whittle stone...

cheers steelyman:D
Haven't been out yet myself, surgury caused ~ a 10 day delay. SUCKS!

Sound reports suggest it's slow, outside reports are that IT's Happenin'! expect the Sound to pick up rather shortly now...

Will be all over it right soon now. Letcha know as it goes...

5-Salt: You have incoming :D

Salt Beaver - Man you boys got some stones reaching out to pet the seal. You are my hero. Down my way I have seen way too many of those b-tards hop into nets and halfway up the side to boats stealing hooked salmon to even think about reaching out to touch one. Nice Hali - that one big one looks to be about 120cm's - well done. Where were fishing...big bank translates to La Perouse? What depth and what sized lead are you using to get down?

Iron Noggin - Sorry to hear about your surgery. Get well soon and maybe we will see you out there when we are in the area.

Fishwish - Good luck on your trip next week. Will be very interested to hear how things go for you.

We are planning to fish outside most of our visit unless the swell/wind wave is 2.5m or higher. I expect we will get out most days - hopeful anyway. Planning to chase halibut early day, then salmon on the way back in. I have a couple coords for straight out from Cape Beal but I wouldn't mind making run for Amphitite or possibly La Perouse if local reports look positive.

We don't mind running the long distances for the big flatties. We typically have to run 50-70km out for good halibut fishing in my home waters. It's a little hard on the wallet but life is short so why not enjoy it. That being said, if anyone want to share some numbers or general areas shoot me an email at

Thank again to all who have post - most helpful just hear things are happening.
5-Salt Fever: where are your home waters??? Your profile says you live in Vatican City. I didn't know there were any flatties in the Med...
5-Salt Fever,
I was fishing 220 and was just using herring. I was fishing 1/4 k from where all the princess boats where fishing only thing we could spot out there.
Salty Beaver:

Herring or Shad - my fav hali bait. I ve also had good luck with ?Herring/Squid combo this season

Straight out from Uclulet? About how far?

thanks - 5Salt

I just now was able to load your picture looking aft - nice day! Was it raining that hard all day? Looks a little sporty as well. You guys are hardcore.
It was not raining I think it was a nicer day out there (no wind) The picture was early in the morning and just leaving the inlet I guess it’s a little rougher as you pass through all the rocks . I think it was 32 miles out and I don’t mind giving you coordinates just ask.

Sorry. Guys in my area are really private about coords and get insulted when you ask so I look for general information of an area and go figure it out on my own - old habits die hard.

I would most thankful for any Hali or Salmon coords you would be willing to share. Email me them if you if that works better for you.

Thanks, 5-Salt.