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new to the forum ,fishing bamfield next week staying poett nook!! any reports would be great ! thanks blackdog
Things have been a bit slow, as of late...but still, you should be able to pick up some teenagers and the few Coho if you're persistant. Nothing big yet but they should be coming in either soon or possibly after the next good rain which, by the looks of it, could be September<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>. Or it may turn on tomorrow....go fishing and be safe.<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

If you can head out to 7 mile. TONS of action, both coho, springs and some big boyz to boot!!

Pass the Pack
Fished 3 mornings there in the last 10 days.
1 morning 6 springs
2 mornings nothing worth noting.

Green was the colour of choice when producing, Green bordered/striped flasher with green teaser head Anchovy

Fishin' anywhere anytime for anything
just got back from Bamfield yesterday.Took out my friend that has never fished before in his life, man thats a lot of extra work(usual fishing partner just moved down to the states). Started off at 7 mile, hit a couple teenager springs with a bunch of smalls released. Couldnt keep those pain in the butt coho off our lines but they did give up some nice blue fox/trout rod action. Hit one small hali just before leaving. At about 9 we carried on out to 20 mile. Pretty slow off the get-go out there, took us a while to find the fish, finally bumped into a few springs and some hali on the west side of the "Reefer Ship". To sum up the day: limits of teenager springs(one slightly over 20), limits of coho, and kept 3 halis and tossed a few back(largest kept was a nice fat 39 pounder). I wish i had an inshore report but the weather has just been too damn good outside to not go out there, however, took a slower cruise on the way in from whittlestone to aguilar and saw A LOT of fish on the sounder. Well thats my report. Hopefully i'll have another in a couple days.

how many miles is from poet nook out 7miles to the fishging holes
7 miles from Bamfield Harbour, can't miss all the boats. The Guides LOVE IT when you follow them out at 630-7 am.

Pass the Pack
HiYa BlackDog.

A bit of a grind out there yesterday, although a very nice day to be afloat as far as weather went.

Ran from Port to Pill at first light, dropped the gear amongst 20 or so other rigs and fished it through the morning slack. Had two hits that didn't stick, and saw but one coho landed amongst everyone else.

Picked up and ran to the wall. Saw two hooked at the very inside corner of that, hit and landed a sockeye (on an anchove! - Did mark quite a few presumed sox at the Wall, but of course was dreaming of springs, and the sockeye gear was unfortunately resting quietly in the garage as a consequence ) and a nice 10+ coho. Hooked a spring over 20, lost just before boatside. Saw the Enforcement Gentz out checking gear and Licences today, great to see their presence!

Ran to Bamfield to refuel, heard news of a 41 pounder coming from Kirby, so ran there quick. Had another good one right to the boat, the fella's first. Unfortunately when it decided to bolt, he tried to hold it back, and we all know how well that works!! Had one more spring on, too brief, and another coho - nice size but released. Saw three landed at Kirby (amongst about 25-30 boats working it), one of which was a coho, one indeterminate, and one spring of ~ 20-25 lbs.

Still somewhat slow, but more hook-ups than the last time out, and the 41 lber was confirmed. StreamHopper et al working it today and tomorrow, so more info to follow once they return...

Spoke with two older gentz at Poet Nook - limited first light 1/4 to 1/2 mile off Kirby into the channel - only ones who I spoke with that had limited without running outside (several of these latter). Fish were all just under 30 lbs.

Seems to be right onthe edge of taking off. Hope it does so soon, both for your trip's sake, and our next foray!!

Cheers & Tight Lines...
nog, great info please keep it comming ill be up on wedsday ,staying at poett nook , ill be there till sunday , gve me a call on 68 on the vhf thanks nog !! good luck blackdog .
fishin the wall mon-wed hope the big ones come in. see ya there ill be at seabeam
just back from 3 days in Bamfield. First day went out to 5 mile solo (couldnt find someone to come last minute)and had a great day. Released 7 or 8 fish over 20 and lots of teenagers, hit a double header and somehow managed to land and release them both one was in the high teens and one was probably low 20's. Lots of coho action too and 1 small hali. Day 2 my dad and his friend came up, we went out to 5 mile but fishing was a lot slower. Still managed limits of springs up to 30 and some nice hatchery coho and another small halibut. Day 3 went to 7 mile, finished up our possesion limit with a few springs up to 25, 2 nice coho, and 3 chickens. Weather was great the whole time but it was foggy. Heading back up on tuesday.

Just got back from Bamfield on Sat.

Work structure (100-200') of south and west of Cree Island near Miller's Reef. We got Chinook limits everyday and at least 1-2 fish 30lbs or better each day. Also troll a line in 200' of water from Miller's Reef to Swale Rock. Lot of Springs. Also Mears Bluff in about 65' of water works well early AM.

For Coho try in waters between Cree and Pinnacle Rock.

Outside, 5 mile is very hot. 175-200' of water. Start at 110-120 deep on riggers and shallow up to 40-50' if no action deeper.