
A few starting to show inside - one well over 40 off The Wall late last week. Cree / Austin and off Beale still happening, and likley to get nothing but better as time rolls on.

Took today down (second degree hangover) but out there Wednesday for sure. Letcha know as it goes...

Hi Nog, six more days! This will be the longest week of work in my life<img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle> Sandford Isl. & my hot Spot are beckoning! The Ferry will cost me a small fortune this year,being overhieght & 50 feet long, but I am ready for those Spanker Chinook!<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Nogg's right Austin has been producing with big numbers as of late..Not alot of huge ones but lots in the mid to high teens! Can't go wrong rubbin the WALL. Offshore things have started to pick up with quite afew 30's coming in daily. Twenty mile has come ON in the last week.. Get out there and fill the cooler!

Pass the Pack
sounds good Bags. My dada is up there today and tomorrow, i'll be takin wednesday/thursday more than likely. Hopefully the weather cooperates for that blast out to 20.
Went out of Bamfield on Friday morning.
Took 2 at about #20, released 4 more between 5~15, from the wall to whittlestone. Neighbour's boat took at #30 and a coho, and released a few small springs. All between 6:00am (left dock) and 11:00 back at dock.
Anchovy on flasher.

Fishin' anywhere anytime for anything
Kinda curious: Anyone have any reports out of Bamfield regarding this weekend's spring derby?? As in how many wieghed in, and how big??


The biggest fish weighed in as of Sunday night was 33#s or thereabouts. We were in fourth place with a 26# fish and we lost one near the boat that was well over 30. Not sure how many fish were weighed in.

We hit a ton of fish and klunked out for our group of 6. Most were mature fish in the 12-18# range with three dead ones over 20#s. Small fish but tons of them offshore. We fished a few hours at the wall and Kirby and not much was going on, we got 3 fish in 3 hours with 2 boats.
hey, heading down the canal tomorrow morning, whats the report down around pill diplock swiss boy area?

went 20 miles out yesterday. Lots of fog most of the day but the flats seas made up for it. Got our limits of everything, released probably 5 or 6 hali's and released about 10 springs and lots of coho. Biggest spring kept was 22, lost one right at the boat that would have been easy 25-30. Got a nice show from the porpises while we were trolling too. All in all a great day. Possibly heading back tonight or tomorrow.
fished pill area today, landed 4 fer 7 all coho cept one spring lost, probably heading backdown tomorrow, ill have to see....howd you make out thismornin matt "Iron"?
