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What can you fellow fishing persons recommend for baits onthe stamp for coho's thanlks troutski

If your doing the Dental than LONG leader's and wool, any colour will do. If your trying to do the ethical than Colorado's and Blue fox spinners can work. Good luck as Stamp River Coho are not know as aggresive because their always on the MOVE. Oh ya did I mention BAGS!!

Pass the Pack
The stamp coho really start hitting spoons and spinners later on in october when the water cools right down for some reason they dont seem too bite as well early on although it does happen regularly just not as much as later on.Leave the dental work for the newbie show at the slide and other meat holes.

The reason the later coho bite better is simple because they are whats left of the "true wild fish" .They are much more aggressive compared to earlier "Let me get to the Hatchery ones " that zoom right through <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Just for the sake of clarity, "BAIT" may ONLY be used November 1st - April 30th on the Stamp and then ONLY below the signs at Girl Guide Falls.

I suspect that you knew that, but others who read this may get confused.


Edited by - MickeyFinn on 09/20/2004 17:59:08
Thanks mickey finn,how many times have you actually fished the stamp?Nice pictures on fishbc of your first and secound steelys!Falls pool-newbie show meathole-Why dont you stick too fishbc and enforce laws there with all the other do gooders!


Yes, I am a newbie.

Thanks for the compliments on the pictures. The Steelie that you referred to at the Falls Pool was a beautiful fish (about a ten pound doe). The picture was taken by IronNoggin: a friend who was generous enough to give me an introduction to the Stamp.

Sorry if you somehow got the impression that I enforce laws. That is an incorrect assumption. I'll leave the enforcement of fishing regulations to the authorities. I do however abide by the regulations. I also assume that some of the people who read the postings here on Sport Fishing BC's chatroom abide by them as well and that they are legitimately looking for useful information in these postings.
stepitup are you the guy on FishBC that was flappin ur beek about how good the fishin was in all the WCVI creeks and streams?anyways...why even make a reply like that?all mickeyfinn was doin was CLARIFYING(just as he said) that there is a bait ban, seeing as this topic is about using "bait". If he didnt say it someone else would have.
No,i dont even look at fishbc anymore,couldnt stand the newbies there anymore!

thanks Mickey Finn thats why we are all here and not at Wal-Mart Sat morn To get some honest info Iguess I am a newbe tourist
