Bait Buster

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rainbow one

Has anyone used these Bait Busters? I have heard no talk about them, good or bad. Garry Cooper is promoting them and apparently they work for him. What do you guys think? Is it really the baitless secret?
They are pretty good..... I have used them in the past and they do work.... I don't know if they would really replace using bait tho... also there is a product called Baitrix on the market too check those out as well.
I've done well with them for winter springs. Never used them on the west coast, just stuck with the real thing. Has anybody used them much on the west coast and how have you done?
Gary Gave me a handful last time i saw him and i do have them tied up and i am going to fish them offshore, i will let you know.The last two years i have left a green glow coyote spoon on one side all summer and changed the other side with everything in the boat!
Yeah $5 bucks for the real thing vs $12 for fake? I'll take the real!! The fish could destroy the baitrix everytime?? Or just take half?
Does the real thing work any better? This is the real question. $5 bucks for bait is not what I am concerned about, but rather do these really work as well as bait? If they do then I would rather use them than to mess with the real stuff.
They do work. I caught several springs offshore from Ucluelet on Bait Busters last year.
Well troll these things around sooke all day for us all and then give us a report!!!!!!!Bait will always out fish any plastic or metal especially if the fish are not abundant for sporties (commercial is a totally different subject)

We all know off shore they work because there is a ton of fish(sometimes)you could throw out a rusty hook and get salmon out there too and have used them to get springs as using bait you couldnt get past the other fish there but that was a perfect world back then.

Natural food for salmon is bait not velcro!!!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
Yeah, but they do work extremely well at times. Even outfished bait on a few occassions at Renfrew and Nootka.
It comes down to whatever you have confidence in and fish the most.

I try them here and there in Blackfish, and there was ONE instance two years ago where I was getting more on them than chovies... it was about a two day window... then they slowed down and stopped. I could never understand it and since then its never really happened again. I am a serious bait believer too.
I've always wanted to try a bait buster, so I think I will pick one up and give it a shot tomorrow, but I think I'll stay clear of the Baitrix.
quote:I've always wanted to try a bait buster, so I think I will pick one up and give it a shot tomorrow, but I think I'll stay clear of the Baitrix

I think you got it backwards, if you MUST try one - I'd try baitrix, at least it has scent going for it.
I've been using them for the last three seasons.
A little biased because I have shared booth space at trade show with the owners of Bait Busters. But only after I tried and tested them and tuned them to work consistantly. Mr. Gary Cooper and I both discovered the same thing...Put some time into them and they will work quite effectively.
Just another tool in the box.
I'm still using some of the originals but the newer ones are even more durable.
At the end of the season, just put them in the wash and they're ready for next year.
How much messing around with them does it take before they are "tuned in"?.
????Would you use them in a guiding situation and feel you were doing the best you could possibly do to put your clients onto fish??Or in a one rod Big$$$$$ derby!! What would your choice be!!??
Show me the brined Chovie!!! Thats how I like em to roll!!!
I was out at Fair Harbor last year and the small gold and green Velcro has hot.
That said I prefer to fish with spoons.
2 things I learned on tune in.
- Buy Angelo's "Velcro Lure Leader" its 40# with 2/0-3/0 hooks.
- Don't put sent inside the Velcro it can break down the glue.
Fish them like bait and you have yet another weapon onboard.
I am currently trying Baitrix out.
I'm not too confident with my baiting abilities.
Hope it improves my skills. Practice fishing LOL.
My intro to salmon fishing was with a guide in Oak Bay many years ago.
Glad he used bait. The feel and smell are all part of my memories.
Guides and volunteer guides should become proficient with bait.
You will be making memories for your guests that last a lifetime.
well if you are just learning, I don't think you are doing yourself any favours by using un-proven lures and fringe products.

If you don't wanna fish bait, use spoons and hootchies - no question they work.
You should ask Iron Noggin' about these. He did a fantastic direct comparison report side by side Baitrix with bait and found that they had advantages and disadvantages. Bait still outperformed overall, unless there was a particularly strong bite on, in which case he preferred them for their immediate ability to keep fishing without re-baiting.