B.C. Surf/Shore Fishing Clubs

I don't know any and judging by the overwhelming amount of responses :rolleyes:it looks like you should start one.
Here's some Mainland info no idea if it's still active.

Lions Gate Anglers

Date: 1st Thursday Monthly except July & August

Location: West Vancouver Legion 580 18th St. (upstairs) Cost: Guests are FREE Time: 7:30 p.m.

Monthly Club Meeting - Speakers, Camaraderie. Ladies welcome, we're mainly middle-senior age group. Give Wilf a call and come on by. Fishing Outings & Social Events featured.

We are a club dedicated to the sport of fishing in south-western British Columbia, and to the camaraderie of its members since 1978 on Vancouver's North Shore. We are also a member club of the B.C. Wildlife Federation.

Increasingly our members are taking up the art of flyfishing or improving their abilities in that aspect of the sport. It likely goes without saying that without exception those who do so are blessed with the experience of nature on her own terms.

Location: West Vancouver Legion 580 18th St. (upstairs), West Vancouver, BC, Canada

Contact: Phone: 604 929-6191

Website: www.anglingbc.com/lionsgateanglers/