B.C. study links low river flows with lower chinook salmon productivity

Caused by Man. Look at the number of permits to use the water, think there is a problem?
Fish do not have a right to water, man does.
Interesting. OBD agreed w something I posted and there wasn't an earthquake and a tsunami following that admission. Thanks, OBD! How does this conversation transpose into other watersheds - such as maybe the Cowichan or maybe the Somass?
Interesting. OBD agreed w something I posted and there wasn't an earthquake and a tsunami following that admission. Thanks, OBD! How does this conversation transpose into other watersheds - such as maybe the Cowichan or maybe the Somass?
Why Yes it does and many more for exactly the same reasons.
I used to run a network of water temperature data loggers on the Fraser and it's tribs .. often time the mainstem Nicola would reach 30 C . Spius Creek and other tributaries did serve as refugia but this river started becoming less productive for salmonids quite a while ago.