Avid Fishing Partner Wanted I've Got the Boat !


Active Member
Moved to Courtenay and left my fishing partners behind. I have a 17.5 boat fully equipped with all the gear 2 x Elect.Scotties 4 Rods and tons of gear. Looking for someone to share the expense of taking my boat out, and if you know how to run the gear even better. Most trips cost around 70 bucks plus any lost gear and thats for 4 to 5 hours so half would be 35 to 40 bucks. I love to fish but would like to meet some guys that really want to fish but don't own a boat and want to get out on the ocean. I'm tired of taking people that are just there for a boat ride and to drink, not saying beers are not a good thing.
Also people don't realize that when you get home there's about an hours work flushing motors etc. Help would be nice!!! I fish all year
and try to get out once a week. I've fished for alot of years and am planning 3-4 west island trips next year. So if you are INTO FISHING
Lets talk.......

Cheers ME


Edited by - MyEscape on 09/17/2004 20:21:01
Such a generous offer! You shouldn't have any problem ME....
Nice to be centrally located, too, isn't it?
