Average hours / year


Significant Other

Hi Guys
You guys would probably like to spend more time on the water but realistically what would your average hours or running your boat be per year? One site i looked at said 150 hours/year that would be equivalent to 19 days at 8 hours a day. Seems high to me unless your guide.
Maybe i need to get out more often!

Thanks for your thoughts.
If you keep a fishing diary, check back through that for a 1 year period to see what your hours on the water are. I'm on the water about 300 hours a year including prawning.
When I had a boat with an hour meter I averaged around 100 hrs per year.
That included some trolling.An hour meter is a good add-on if you don't have one.
My guess is that with fuel prices coming in around $1.50 a litre, a lot of averages will be coming down :0( SS
My hour meter on my kicker last year was 753 hours then boat main motor time so maybe 900 plus.

Then up at the lodge fo a few weeks so even more.

And that doesnt include the matenance time,working on trailer or working on gear at dock or on the phone etc so it is even more time than what you think WAY too much time LOL

Think of when you go out yourself get up at 4 am put boat on trailer,pack luch gear gas coffee booze etc etc etc,go fishing all day get home clean/package fish then boat you finally come in at about 6 pm and we wonder why our wives/girlfriend give you the look and say"how can you be tired you were on a boat all day".

add it all up makes one Loooooonnnnnggggggg day
but thats why we do it.

I spent 110 hours on my main and 95 on the kicker = not enough damn fishing. Mind you i put on 1100 miles so i did get to see alot of the west coast last year
Been out at least one day of the weekend 6 to 8 hrs per, throw in the after work safety meetings and the days off.
I'd say over 500hrs per year

Note to self: Got to get a life LOL
A better question is how many fish do you guys slaughter in a year?
Well maybe i under estimated how much time is actually spent fishing.
Most of my fishing has been on rivers and lately on the ocean. Moving to island and considering a 19' boat also. Man if i spent as much time as some of you do my wife will hide the keys to the boat and her own locks as well. Let your wife know you appreciate her letting you fish so much.
No wonder so many engines are sold. will keep log book of hours etc good suggestion, thanks