I wonder how much more proof this Government needs before they finally do something? I'm sure they're still in denial.
"According to the Canadian media, Trevor Swerdfager, director general of aquaculture management for the federal Fisheries Department, said he will take a close look at the new research. But he added he has so far not seen any proof that salmon farms harm wild populations."

Heres his e-mail
let him know what you think
I know I will

heres some frigin proof for ya
Do you guys elect officials in Canada. This is a travesty that the Good Ol Boy's refuse to see the TRUTH. I would think with this type of an issue looming over the fishing industry as a whole, a collaborative of the Sporty's, Commercial's and the Indian's could be formed. Bringing great pressure to bear on these sellouts. Just my 2 cents worth and being a US citizen thats worth less everyday.
Well, I have sent him a 'nice' letter. Guess that's all I can do for now. BTW, that was not his current email address; I have sent to - however, I am not sure if that is correct either. Will see if it comes back.

Terry, where are we with the planning phase?
Originally posted by gimp

so i did some searching and this is what I found,ou=MO-CM,ou=NCR-RCN,ou=DFO-MPO,o=GC,c=CA

dude is in bed with the fish farms

Trevor Swerdfager, director general of aquaculture management for the federal Fisheries Department

anyone find out his credentials? I am curious, what makes this guy an expert.

Love the quote
"But he added he has so far not seen any proof that salmon farms harm wild populations"

Trevor are we trying to protect our job ??????????
taken from the dfo website

6. Environment
If I have concerns or questions regarding water and/or air pollution, who should I contact?

Any concerns regarding pollution of our environment should be directed to Environment Canada.

Is Fisheries and Oceans Canada responsible for issues concerning endangered fish and marine species?

While Environment Canada is the lead federal department on issues concerning species at risk, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is specifically responsible for activities surrounding the protection of aquatic species at risk. To find out more, go to DFO’s Species at Risk web site.

Environment Canada's mandate is to preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment; conserve Canada's renewable resources; conserve and protect Canada's water resources; forecast weather and environmental change; enforce rules relating to boundary waters; and coordinate environmental policies and programs for the federal government.

If you really want to get down to brass tax Trevor. You can link pink salmon and all salmon species to resident killer whales. Salmon in general is a major part of the whales diet. Its been known for some time that the transient whales do not eat salmon and mostly feed on SEALS (I bet this makes a few fisherman happy) and local resident whales mostly eat salmon. So if they are truly endangered and the dfo's job is to protect the Endangered whale. How about starting with their main DIET and save some salmon.


"According to the Canadian media, Trevor Swerdfager, director general of aquaculture management for the federal Fisheries Department, said he will take a close look at the new research. But he added he has so far not seen any proof that salmon farms harm wild populations."
Not sure how to contact him by e-mail but you can send this guy a fax. Address it to Director General Trevor Swerdfager
(613)993 8607. Tell him what you think of his comment and how much more proof does he require before he decides to act.

Thanks to Gimp for the info.

You people are great!

Of the four website-forums I've pressed this initiative on, SFBC has been far and away the most supportive.

Thank you all.

Alliance Status report:</u>

No word from the newspapers on whether or not they're going to publish the editorial I submitted. I'm really anxious about it.

I'm on the cusp of setting up the 'Alliance's' first meeting here in Victoria. I'm corresponding with Jerry Oetting (aka: Island Idiot's) to arrange a meeting room at Camosun. Thanks Jerry!
I gave the 'Legion' idea some thought and dropped it in favor of a more 'business-like' venue in order that the meeting be as productive as possible with the time we have. Beer's will follow at the Six-Mile.

Anyone know how to contact Kevin Canning (Poppa Swiss)? He was all excited about helping us out with a new website and then he dropped off the map. I'm concerned something may have happened to him. Maybe I said or did something to **** him off.

I'll notify all Alliance members of the meeting at least two or three weeks in advance. Confirmation of attendance will be requested in order to book a suitable room. ie. a 'classroom' or BC Place?

Today the Alliance stands at: 86


Wild Salmon Alliance

Press Releases


Contact: Kevin Golden, Center for Food Safety, (415) 826-2770; John Bianchi, Goodman Media, (212) 576-2700

Center for Food Safety Applauds the Decision, which Vindicates Consumers' Right to Know

Washington, DC February 12, 2008 - The Supreme Court of the State of California yesterday issued a decision in the Farm Raised Salmon Cases (under the umbrella listing S147171), overturning a California Court of Appeal ruling. California citizens sued various grocery stores alleging the stores violated California's Sherman Law labeling requirements by selling artificially colored farmed salmon without labeling it as "color added" as required by law.

Attorney Kevin Golden of the Center for Food Safety (which filed a Friend of the Court brief in this case) said, "We applaud the California Supreme Courts ruling. At issue is whether the people of California have the right to know what's in their food. California citizens' right to enforce California food safety law, where the federal government is failing to do its job, has been vindicated."

The suits - filed against several California grocery chains - were most recently dismissed by the California Court of Appeal, which ruled that federal labeling law preempts citizen enforcement of equivalent California state laws aimed at protecting human health and safety. The California Supreme Court's ruling concluded that the lower courts erred in taking away the citizens' right to enforce California's crucial food safety law.

The suit focused on two chemical dyes applied to farmed salmon sold in supermarkets (without the pink dyes, the farmed fish would have appeared grey in color). The artificial dyes, canthaxanthin and astaxanthin, pose significant health risks. These dyes have been linked to several human health problems, including impaired vision and retinal damage, cancer, and hyperactivity in young children.

"This ruling represents a significant win for consumers," continued Golden. "It increases accountability in the food industry to the people of the state, and it empowers individual consumers to demand accurate and honest labeling on the food they feed their families. The California Supreme Court has affirmed the consumers' right to know what's in their food."

View the Ruling


Privacy Statement • Site Map • Contact Us

The Center for Food Safety
660 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, #302
Washington DC 20003
P: (202)547-9359, F: (202)547-9429
Thanks Dog! I wonder where those salmon were actually farmed?

I think we need a new words to describe that crap that's being sold: "Atificial Salmon" comes to mind. Let's start a new, more accurate vocabulary around caged, force-fed, dyed, contaminated, environmentally-abusive, unnatural, digusting salmon. Consumers need to know what they're realling buying ...or not.

Ditto RM. Thanks Dog.

Going after the consumer's south of the border - since 8 or 9 out of every 10 farmfish end up in the States - is a logical angle of attack.

If more Yanks' knew exactly what they were eating - and at what expense to our environment that food came to their tables - millions would stop eating it.

No market = No fishfarmers! Presto.

I wouldn't eat a Pseudo-Salmon if it was the last fish on the earth. WoW![xx(][xx(][xx(] what a horrible thought. [?] Where did that come from. Hey Little Hawk I sent you a PM, did you get it?

Yes KZ and I've just responded. Sorry for the wait.

Just joined Alexandra Morton organization and I will be sending a donation. Crap, I was up there for some wilderness fishing and it had the feel of a floating industrial park. I believe the tourist guys have it right. These fish farms are a disaster. Sure smells like corruption at higher ups in DFO...