Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Always my favorite argument tactic from Ian Roberts, quote mining from the Cohen Commission Report...
Another biased "pro" reporter is Fabian Dawson whom isn't quite as glaringly obvious as Roberts. In the links SF552 provided of Fabian's work - where Fabian makes his declaration: "a similar recent finding in Atlantic Canada that wild salmon returning to their home rivers don’t show any increased rates of infection after passing net-pen aquaculture sites." Fabian neglects to either read or admit the results of that study. In particular Fabian neglects to point out Figure 3 from that study - from the Magaguadavic River which has aquaculture escapees in it:

Quite the elevated levels of ASCv, ISAv and PRv there.
I thinks it's called alternative facts. See it all the time, someone reads something on the web and thinks it's the truth then post it here on good faith. Problem is that when you dig a little deeper you find out it's cherry picked data or an out right dis-information nugget intended to spread and infect to cast doubt and paralyze the decision making process. This strategy was used by the tobacco industry but it's roots are older then that.
I thinks it's called alternative facts. See it all the time, someone reads something on the web and thinks it's the truth then post it here on good faith. Problem is that when you dig a little deeper you find out it's cherry picked data or an out right dis-information nugget intended to spread and infect to cast doubt and paralyze the decision making process. This strategy was used by the tobacco industry but it's roots are older then that.

Yes like the AM smolt lice picture but if it helps people's agendas and beliefs then share it away. She seems to be the expert at getting pictures and sharing them. One would expect that organisations like david suzuki, rainforest, watershed watch could produce their own pictures of this yet they seem to use AM's.

Ya - you are right WMY. Kinda like the FF PR firms using the smiling worker photo op pics - or those with the smiling Fisheries Minister (e.g.Dominic LeBlanc, or Gail Shae, etc.) in the aquaculture forum/booster shot. Kinda misleading.

In other news:

Controversial Discovery Islands fish farms pose 'minimal risk' to wild salmon, DFO says
Sea lice was not one of the nine pathogens studied by DFO for Monday's announcement.

A spokesperson said past peer-reviewed science on sea lice has led to management measures to control the problem on farms, and that should be enough to meet the "minimum risk" described in the Cohen report. YOU MUST BE KIDDING..
and the consequence for being out of compliance w Conditions of Licence on sea lice levels is NOTHING - absolutely nothing....
Sea lice was not one of the nine pathogens studied by DFO for Monday's announcement.

A spokesperson said past peer-reviewed science on sea lice has led to management measures to control the problem on farms, and that should be enough to meet the "minimum risk" described in the Cohen report. YOU MUST BE KIDDING..
What a freakin joke DFO is - didn't include sea lice! So obviously corrupted by politics and money!!!:mad:
Ol turdo and the libs must have got a couple extra hundreds in their pocket from the lobbyists to look the other way on this one.
Thanks for the link . Almo mentions independent researchers finding results conflicting with DFO's above assessment. Has anyone seen this other data?
Thanks for the link . Almo mentions independent researchers finding results conflicting with DFO's above assessment. Has anyone seen this other data?

I beleive that comment goes back to this whole thing

Then on Jan. 8, the three environmental entities challenged the report, alleging that it is partially based on a secret memorandum of understanding between several salmon farming companies.

The secret memorandum that allegedly substantiates the report’s conclusions was not accessible for examination by some members of the federal science review process, said Stan Proboszcz, of Watershed Watch Salmon Society, which along with Living Oceans Society and the Pacific Coast Wild Salmon Society, are questioning the validity of the report.

Proboszcz was one of 39 experts of various disciplines selected for the peer review group based on their expertise and knowledge.

“It appears our federal government is more interested in protecting salmon farming industry secrets than maintaining scientific integrity and taking precautionary action to protect wild fish,” Proboszcz said."
Then on Jan. 8, the three environmental entities challenged the report, alleging that it is partially based on a secret memorandum of understanding between several salmon farming companies.

The secret memorandum that allegedly substantiates the report’s conclusions was not accessible for examination by some members of the federal science review process, said Stan Proboszcz, of Watershed Watch Salmon Society, which along with Living Oceans Society and the Pacific Coast Wild Salmon Society, are questioning the validity of the report.

Proboszcz was one of 39 experts of various disciplines selected for the peer review group based on their expertise and knowledge.

“It appears our federal government is more interested in protecting salmon farming industry secrets than maintaining scientific integrity and taking precautionary action to protect wild fish,” Proboszcz said.
A maddening and sickening example of govt corruption supporting a corrupt industry that harms our wild salmon and marine environment - truly disgusting!!! :mad: All the more reason we the people must keep on working hard to move these lice farms onto land!!!
I beleive that comment goes back to this whole thing

Then on Jan. 8, the three environmental entities challenged the report, alleging that it is partially based on a secret memorandum of understanding between several salmon farming companies.

The secret memorandum that allegedly substantiates the report’s conclusions was not accessible for examination by some members of the federal science review process, said Stan Proboszcz, of Watershed Watch Salmon Society, which along with Living Oceans Society and the Pacific Coast Wild Salmon Society, are questioning the validity of the report.

Proboszcz was one of 39 experts of various disciplines selected for the peer review group based on their expertise and knowledge.

“It appears our federal government is more interested in protecting salmon farming industry secrets than maintaining scientific integrity and taking precautionary action to protect wild fish,” Proboszcz said."
Then on Jan. 8, the three environmental entities challenged the report, alleging that it is partially based on a secret memorandum of understanding between several salmon farming companies.

The secret memorandum that allegedly substantiates the report’s conclusions was not accessible for examination by some members of the federal science review process, said Stan Proboszcz, of Watershed Watch Salmon Society, which along with Living Oceans Society and the Pacific Coast Wild Salmon Society, are questioning the validity of the report.

Proboszcz was one of 39 experts of various disciplines selected for the peer review group based on their expertise and knowledge.

“It appears our federal government is more interested in protecting salmon farming industry secrets than maintaining scientific integrity and taking precautionary action to protect wild fish,” Proboszcz said.
"this whole thing" smells like a rotten Farmed Fish.
Here is a link to the DFO summaries of their risk assessments and their links to the full CSAS documents;
Seems to me from reading the summaries that there is still a fair amount of uncertainty in most of the risk assessments.
Extremely important and pertinent point you raise cuttle, IMO. Uncertainty is the key word. 1st off that is handled thru the claimed adoption of the precautionary principle/approach by the feds:

"The government's actions to protect the environment and health are guided by the precautionary principle, which states that "where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation."

Secondly, the burden of proof is always on the proponent to prove that they aren't having a deleterious effect on fish or fish habitat:

Yet somehow the aquaculture industry has remained exempt from both the Fisheries Act and the Environmental Assessment Acts; including protection against the ‘death of fish, other than by fishing’ and the ‘harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat’ (S. 35 (1) No person shall carry on any work, undertaking or activity that results in the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat. Fisheries Act 1985):

So how did this industry remain exempt from these laws?; whom was responsible for colluding with industry in extinguishing due diligence and regulatory oversight; and how do we fix it?

Apply the Fisheries Act (s. 35) and the CEEA onto the industry.
By assessment I meant their decision was based on their science. If there are other data collected by independent researchers showing DFO's decisions are wrong, as I believe has been stated, lets see it.
Most of the members who post on this subject do so out of honest concern for how Open Net Pet Fish Farms effect our wild salmon.
Both pro and con I might add.
Then there are the members whose families depend on Open Net Pet Fish Farms for their livelihood.
Some may even be paid to defend the industry.
Without Fish Farms, they would be out of work!
Not hard to see why this subject keeps just going round and round in circles.
This industry like many other industries and sectors in the past, will need to transform to reduce it's negative environmental impacts. Net pen fish farms are not exempt from this. The faster the govt and industry make the transition the better it will be for everyone and the wild salmon and the marine environment! This foot dragging, BS lies, delays and defending a polluting industry needs to stop and begin the needed transformation!!!

Other industries (e.g. mining, forestry, agriculture, auto, chemical, transportation, oil, etc...) have all had to do it - net pen FF's should no different. Time for the industry to put on their collective big boy and big girl pants and grow up and move forwards.
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