April 1 rules

Great! If you have the ability to run that far or get up that way. Those who don't are basically becoming political optical pawns to appease certain sectors!

We around Vancouver and southern Vancouver Island are basically closed now until August 31st. It's not acceptable and we better see something happen in the next 2 weeks or there's no chance MSF is ever going to work in Vancouver with our current fisheries minister and the liberal government.
That's only if they don't shut down the river entrance from the apex to point gray
I would agree. Is there a link to data regarding the current volume of hatchery fish that are clipped prior to release and any insight into the intention to increase this number going forward?
While the MSF proposals didn't rely upon increasing the mark rates for current hatchery production, transitioning to 100% clipped or Mass Marking (MM) is a wise approach for a number of reasons, but IMO unlikely for quite some time because Canada will opt for the less expensive status quo option for as long as possible.

Top 3 reasons in my simple mind for spending the capital now to transition to Mass Marking are:

First reason - Marking all hatchery produced salmon helps us better manage fisheries to lessen the genetic influence of hatchery produced salmon over wild salmon - this is called proportionate natural influence or PNI ratio. This CSAS paper helps outline the general rationale behind managing hatchery influence (production targets) with natural or wild salmon populations. https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/library-bibliotheque/40687739.pdf

Second reason, MSF fisheries (all sectors - Recreational, FN, Commercial) could be a tool for fishery managers to employ to make adjustments to PNI.

Third Reason - Another good reason to mark 100% of hatchery production is to use MSF as a tool to shift fishery removals away from wild salmon.

Other Reasons:

1) Mass Marking allows fishery managers to combat hatchery straying - a well documented problem associated with many hatchery programs - marked fish could be easily targeted in fisheries, or egg capture for hatchery fence operations to cull out hatchery strays
2) MM fish are easier to identify in brood collection programs - having this tool could allow hatchery programs to pivot towards wild only brood capture

$$ Impediments to MM:

Lots of debate these days around how and when (timeline) to fully transition away from using Coded Wire Tags (CWT) in favour of Parentage Based Tagging (PBT) which is far more cost effective than CWT protocols. Currently the Pacific Salmon Treaty agreement between Canada and US plans to employ CWT until both countries are able to fully support the transition to PBT. Currently under the Pacific Salmon Treaty, Canada is only required to mark and insert CWT's into 10% of hatchery production - so we use CWT's on 100% of the 10% we are required to tag. Clipping and tagging fish with CWT's is expensive, so Canada has opted to only mark and CWT the 10% required under the Treaty.

PBT will be a game changer, as will introduction of automated mass marking machines. Canada is purchasing more MM trailers - so we are slowly taking the right steps.

Once we land on being fully PBT compliant, that will open the door to removing financial barriers to go with fully Mass Marking our hatchery production. My sense is the same old budgetary reasons Canada faces that prevent a more speedy move towards PBT and Mass Marking will gradually fade away.

Here's a very simple link and explanation of PBT. https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/p...erche/grdi-irdg/projects-projets/020-eng.html. Same lead author - more in depth analysis of PBT.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8127719/
That's only if they don't shut down the river entrance from the apex to point gray
Which is being proposed with the potential SRKW closures. Can't believe so many people just sit back and let this happen without getting engaged or involved? Or at least donating to the organizations that are fighting for their access!
Which is being proposed with the potential SRKW closures. Can't believe so many people just sit back and let this happen without getting engaged or involved? Or at least donating to the organizations that are fighting for their access!
Yep. Majority of people thought they were getting involved when they completed the SRKW survey. Which was a complete joke.
At this point its 100% political and the delay is coming from the PMO and their strategists. They can't afford to lose any more votes right now. The conservatives are closing in on a 10 point lead in recent polls and Pierre is ahead of wonderboy as first choice for PM. It won't be long now before they are out. How nice will it be when Bob Zimmer is the fisheries minister! Just look at all the things the Libs have had to backtrack on lately with the hunting rifle ban, Roxam Rd and now bail reform is next as they are getting hammered by the opposition. I truly believe change is coming we just have to be patient!
At this point its 100% political and the delay is coming from the PMO and their strategists. They can't afford to lose any more votes right now. The conservatives are closing in on a 10 point lead in recent polls and Pierre is ahead of wonderboy as first choice for PM. It won't be long now before they are out. How nice will it be when Bob Zimmer is the fisheries minister! Just look at all the things the Libs have had to backtrack on lately with the hunting rifle ban, Roxam Rd and now bail reform is next as they are getting hammered by the opposition. I truly believe change is coming we just have to be patient!
Nothing will change. All the politicians want is to be in power, why? Who knows.
Rarely is anything ever back tracked that is in motion.
FF were going to be gone, BUT ......ya right.
When has ever a new regime got in and really made any changes?
Most current policies are so engrained in bureaucracy that the new kids on the block can't just shut them off.

Provincially the gov could eliminate leasing but then the FF's buy out FN's to keep going.
Will there be a May 1 dfo update on what was posted yesterday for Renfrew west?
In other provinces the regulations tend to be simple and understandable - they might have 3 large areas with different openings and a few water bodies might have special restrictions, but the catch and possession limits are established at the onset and remain fixed throughout the season. In BC, it's like a Rubik's Cube with continuously changing colors. There's probably a reason for this degree of complexity but it always leaves me feeling a bit uncertain.
In other provinces the regulations tend to be simple and understandable - they might have 3 large areas with different openings and a few water bodies might have special restrictions, but the catch and possession limits are established at the onset and remain fixed throughout the season. In BC, it's like a Rubik's Cube with continuously changing colors. There's probably a reason for this degree of complexity but it always leaves me feeling a bit uncertain.
Baffle you with Bull Shat.

Need a physics degree to interpret rules and now a cartographer to show zones. What ever happened to a picture with instructions?
HAVE to have a gps onboard to figure out where the line is.
Will there be a May 1 dfo update on what was posted yesterday for Renfrew west?
Insofar as I'm aware there are no immediate changes - DFO is still working on the Salmon IFMP (Integrated Fishereies Mgmt Plan) which runs from June to June. It is most probable that they will follow the current IFMP that runs until June, which allows for the Chinook retention corridor along WCVI and the inside waters of 3 Sounds. If there are changes contemplated, those would be announced with the new IFMP which would start in June.

The biggest defence for maintaining the status quo is the DNA evidence gathered through guides and lodges providing DNA samples and log books along with samples obtained from individual anglers at cleaning stations by Creel Survey staff. This DNA evidence demonstrates Chinook stocks of concern are not present and encountered in recreational fisheries in numbers that pose a risk. If people are asked to provide DNA samples by a Creel Surveyor or to be interviewed - please provide accurate and full data to the Creel person. The future of fishery opportunities rests with having robust and updated data on stock composition, timing and location of chinook encounters by our fishery.

However, in the absence of solid and reliable data, the detractors will point to the "precautionary principle" as justification for taking action to restrict fisheries. Case in point, the Minister is deferring a decision on implementing proposed MSF opportunities because they claim the labour strike now impedes capacity for DFO to monitor these fisheries gathering stock composition data from DNA that was planned to be collected by Department staff to assess these fisheries.

Chicken and egg or put another way, data and precautionary principle...choice is in our hands.
I dunno, the recent DFO MSF announcement is a step in the right direction! Sure beats the alternative of no hatchery chinook retention at all (which does not make any scientific/conservation sense.

What we need to do it get the MSF fishery starting on April 1 and include more areas (e.g. Area 20). My 2 bits.
I dunno, the recent DFO MSF announcement is a step in the right direction! Sure beats the alternative of no hatchery chinook retention at all (which does not make any scientific/conservation sense.

What we need to do it get the MSF fishery starting on April 1 and include more areas (e.g. Area 20). My 2 bits.
I agree that it is a step in the right direction. The people doing the work to get this far deserve a standing ovation. They got the minister to move, unbelievable A lot of hard work and volunteered hours.
I agree that it is a step in the right direction. The people doing the work to get this far deserve a standing ovation. They got the minister to move, unbelievable A lot of hard work and volunteered hours.
Well said, and to frame the environment we are up against in advancing sustainable fishery opportunities for the recreational fishing community and all those who rely upon them, take a few moments to read the cards and letters coming into DFO on the Salmon IFMP. Overwhelming mountain of various interests (including the ENGO crowd) hammering DFO for being so bold as to consider anything short of full closure of all recreational and commercial fishing. Sometimes even the best science, data and logic aren't enough to counter mountains of BS.