Anyone Lucky Enough?

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Did anybody get out on the water today and boat a few? Where and how was it? Hows a bare Gamakatsu producing right now?
Heh RVP, your definitely right, but I best Put a couple of Sockeye in the cooler to bring home as well. The ones I brought back last year were tremendous eating. What are the chances for a few early Coho in the Sarita Rainy Bay area by July 16?
Thanks Rvp, I fished with some 2 3/4 in. Gypsy's last year 26 in. behind red Hotspot 8-15 ft. behind the cable. Cop Car was good as well as Cherry Pie. I really appreciate the pointers. What about boat speed 2-3.5 mph? Also have an odd situation with my boat steering after winter storage, it is siezed or jammed to the left with the ram in, any suggestion? Thanks
all these questions u are asking all depends on alot of things.....speed depends on the wind,current and the action of your lures...and the lures all depends on wut the sockeye are hitting on....if u find a skool then u can throw out anything and slay them if they are biting...anyways....canal is hot hot hot thats all i gotta say....caught a 12lb sock at dunsmiere today...
see u out there anglers
whoa look out spanky spanked a 12lber<img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>so if nobody beleives him, which you should cause this guy. ive never known to lie about fishing cause he doesnt have to. this moring the inlet was just cooking along, salmonspanker n me were having limited success fishing the ardencreek area trolling up and down the side n middle , then decided to start trolling across the inlet on angles from one side to the other and the fish just never let up for a minute, gotta love them spoons, and it doesnt matter what you have out there, pretty much if you find a school of fish and if their there "which they definatly are in great numers" you can get them on anything if there in the bitting mood. stack your flashers 15 feet apart set on side down at 45 and the other side between 45 and 61 sit back and relax "and" just wait, wont have to wait long before your rewarded well good luck out there for those of you who are going out tomorrow morning, im taking a break my freezers full n i wanna sleep!!!
yea rvp i have herd of this method for sockeye ive fished them in the inlet since, hell i cant even remember i remember not even being able to hold the rod, my dad just left it in the rod holder n let me reel it in. so how exactley do you atempt this. do you troll intill you start hitting fish good and know theres a good school in the area and then proced with the mooching. or just mark the schools on your sounder and then do so and start mootching? yea top rods were smokin the fish today though 35-40ft all good fish too, no runts 7+ pounds well im out c ya