Got a Merc outboard on order. Supposed to sarrive mid to late Feb. anyone hear if outboards from the US are being targeted with tariffs in this bs trade war.
How about we take the next 30 days to optimize for interprovincial trade, make fishing licenses easier to buy for out of province Canadians and temporary residents. End the need for Re-applying for a businesses license every year for all fishing related businesses like Langford has done.
So Trudeau told Trump that we’re gonna do a bunch of stuff that’s mostly already in place, shuffle some funds, and then appoint a couple people. I’m sure Trump sees this as a huge win. The art of the deal folks.
Got a Merc outboard on order. Supposed to sarrive mid to late Feb. anyone hear if outboards from the US are being targeted with tariffs in this bs trade war.
Which one did you settle on? I’m researching now. Went to the boat show etc. it’s interesting Yamaha is only 9.9 ~ 25hp. No 15 which is where I think I want to be. (High thrust that is, I now realize you may be talking about a main motor)
Which one did you settle on? I’m researching now. Went to the boat show etc. it’s interesting Yamaha is only 9.9 ~ 25hp. No 15 which is where I think I want to be. (High thrust that is, I now realize you may be talking about a main motor)
Actually I was talking about both the main and kicker. I’m going with the Merc 225 Seapro and Merc 15hp EFI kicker. Kicker is here in BC it’s the 225 that is ordering out of Wisconsin.
The OP got the answer they were looking for. I have removed a few posts that were heading into the political commentary that isn't going to happen here. We have stated this many times and we aren't going to change our policy about no political threads/debates in this fishing based forum.
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