Any Coho in renfrew?


I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if the coho are starting to show up in numbers yet, or if it will still be hit and miss for the derby?
well a couple of guys from my work went up there and got a 21, 10, 9 lb Cohos. pritty good for 1 day of fishing
Fished all day Sunday around can bouy, Camper, East Point and elsehwere. Several shakers but nothing else. Saw exactly one fish caught all day. Dismal!!!
Same report as Jimbob, except we were out on saturday. Fished from 11:00 a.m to dark for one 10 lb spring. We only had a small tub, so we didn't venture very far beyond Camper, Can Buoy. Saw approx 40 boats out and a net out once. We didn't bother going back for Sunday and fished Sooke instead. No luck there either.

We need some rain, I'm hoping.
Going to renny tommorrow hope the fishing has picked up a little, but if not all well there is alot of really tasty critters that live near the bottom called BLACK BASS. What fun they are, im brining a trout rod to make it interesting. Just a coho or two makes it worth it, renny is awsome place to be I love it!!!!