Anchovy rigs


Well-Known Member
My confidence is shaken after not catching as many fish as some of the boats around me in Sooke.
Interested in hearing about hook size for tandem rigs. Does the front hook need to be small enough so the shank will lie flat against the bait? Most of my ties were 3/0 or 4/0 for both hooks. I don't like trebles much: tangles with other gear, in the net during the bite, fish damage etc...
Tubber sounds like you use the same size hooks as me. Stick with tandem trebles they work great. 6 or 7 foot leaders are fine for this time of year. You may want to shorten them to 5 feet if there is a lot of fish around. Try barbless gamakatsu hooks they are really sharp and don't get fouled in the net. Here are some standard setups that work consistently for me.
1. Red hotspot clear chartreuese head
2. Betsy gold with green gold and chrome head.
3. green hotspot with chrome head.
4. Sooke special with either clear chartreuse or green chrome
5. For spotty fishing use a purple hot spot and a clear purple haze teaser.
Try these combos and you won't miss.

Cheers Codfish(Dave)
codfish, what depths do you find were working best for you ?
we hit fish between 55 & 75' however you really don't know
if you are missing them at the wrong depth ?
As codfish said on the rig ups , his #1 the red hot spot and the clear chatreuse head is a standard that always produces , I find that as the year progresses troll a little slower the bigger ones are lazy opportunistic feeders and there is a lot of bait around.

RS - I attribute most of my fishing success this year from the tips and tricks I've picked up from Dave (Codfish). He's always 1 to share the location, gear and depths after every succesful fishing trip.
Tubber - I tie tandem Gami treble setups fresh for every trip out.
The magic depths for me this year have been between 70 and 90ft. Betsy gold/glow heads, and Red Hotspot/chartreuse have been the 2 best rigs for me. I think the only advise I could offer is to stick with an area and learn how to fish every inch of it during all different tides.

Good Luck
Hey Craven,
Up until today 85 and 91 feet have been the magic numbers. But by accident we stumbled on a couple of of different numbers that worked well tight at Otter Point 41 and 55 feet where we picked up two 30 pounders. This happened because I got pushed into the beach and other boats had fish on (Tail Out) who just landed a nice fish offered to net mine we were that close when I finally put it in the net. Sometimes we get stuck on numbers while fishing certain spots I think it pays to mix things up sometimes.