Americans guiding in Canada

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This is quite a topic. I do have friends down here that are retired that leave their boats at the coastal marinas (US). They fish the entire season taking out friends and only split the fuel. They even supply the gear. But it gets ugly when someone breaks things and doesn't seem to care. They have shifts of people that come out. Not many as nice as them. One has people that offer him money but doesn't take it. He says that when he took s little money for the use of the boat, people treated him like a charter and misused his gear. He has expensive gear and won't invite them back if they misuse it.

When I invite people on my boat I ask them not to bring gear too so I have room. I can't stand haveing two people come aboard and bring every tackle box and rod they own.

But to go to Canada and do what you describe sounds like chartering. If the boat owner does not eat with them and they fish and leave, sounds suspicous.

I have stayed out of Canada and Alaska for the past several years. It can make fishing really hard down here. I used to fly in to lodges every year. I try to intercept our fish down here.
For the record;

The Skipper of the Coin Jam, without a doubt, isn't opperating a fishing venture. It comes up early and he fly's in and out. He spends the better part of the summer on it entertaing guests (customers and associates) from his 'real world' life.

The above statement, I'll stake my reputation on.

As for the JohnD... My jury is still deliberating. I know on one hand that he's somewhat of a humanitarian but have seen a post on this forum calling for people to "Fish out of the JohnD..." I know a lot of the locals believe that he's cranking $$$ for services.


No need to preach to me about how great the new rules make a conformer, a 'Professional'. You mean to say that you didn't carry the needed insurance and safety gear before all this crap came down the pipe and that your operation was any less professional than it is now??? How long have you been guiding, running your own show? Got a website that I could look at?

Finaly: Yup, no difference in the flavour of a 200# Hali over a 20#er. The do chew different though. I could see a big one getting 'gamey' from sitting out on the deck in the hot sun vs. a smaller one in the cooler. ;)

I'm STILL looking for that 150 class to be stuffed and mounted on the wall.
Mr need to big man it up on here now too
I've had my own operation for years and my father had one of the first charter operations in Hardy in the 70's.
As far as a website...I've got one of those too.
And finally... the fact the you say the new rules are crap...pretty much tells me that your not going to conform to them or you would of already done so...
quote:Originally posted by richmake

Mr need to big man it up on here now too
I've had my own operation for years and my father had one of the first charter operations in Hardy in the 70's.
As far as a website...I've got one of those too.
And finally... the fact the you say the new rules are crap...pretty much tells me that your not going to conform to them or you would of already done so...

Bag man'n it up? Not my intentions, just stating a point of view is all. My voice comes from having YEARS (2 decades worth) of intimate (sick [xx(] ) relations w/ the M.O.T. As I have stated elsewhere, I choose to no longer having 'Big Brother' looking in on whom I sleep with. Frankly, I applaud the guy's that have excellent track records and that have been established for long periods of time, saying FU to the people ramming this stuff down their throats. I'd even go out of my way to promote them, if I knew of any...

Your not liking this view also is fine, but PLEASE tell me what changes have been made in your</u> business, that makes it better now, for the consumer of it? Please note that this is my 2nd request for this information.

One example (of MANY) that comes to my mind is a vessel that voluntarily had a self-inflating life raft mounted on board. It wasn't mandatory for the vessel but the skipper thought "what the hell'. The boat gets a 'routine' inspection from Brother and because the raft doesn't have a current inspection, he gets threatened w/ a fine (next time...) or NEEDS to remove it immediately. Again, this is NOT a mandatory piece of equipment for the vessel - Just another life-saving option installed by the Skipper.

Who's looking out for whom?

In response to the last statement of your post: "...the fact the you say the new rules are crap...pretty much tells me that your not going to conform to them or you would of already done so..."

You have hit the nail square on the head my friend. [:0]

I currently have no idea what or how one is supposed to do to get an inspection. I gave up a year ago trying, following their</u> outlines of protocal. I'd have to pull the requests but IIRC, there would be no little than eight confirmed</u> attempts. Not one had a reply.

That pretty much made my mind up (coupled with past experiences) as to where and how to deal with it.

Side note;

In my other post that spoke out about this, I made an assumption/prediction about getting an audit from Revenue Canada.

Well it looks as if the crystal ball is reading true - I just got the notice. Man are they quick! [}:)]
quote:Originally posted by Mr. Dean

For the record;

The Skipper of the Coin Jam, without a doubt, isn't opperating a fishing venture. It comes up early and he fly's in and out. He spends the better part of the summer on it entertaing guests (customers and associates) from his 'real world' life.

The above statement, I'll stake my reputation on.

As for the JohnD... My jury is still deliberating. I know on one hand that he's somewhat of a humanitarian but have seen a post on this forum calling for people to "Fish out of the JohnD..." I know a lot of the locals believe that he's cranking $$$ for services.


No need to preach to me about how great the new rules make a conformer, a 'Professional'. You mean to say that you didn't carry the needed insurance and safety gear before all this crap came down the pipe and that your operation was any less professional than it is now??? How long have you been guiding, running your own show? Got a website that I could look at?

Finaly: Yup, no difference in the flavour of a 200# Hali over a 20#er. The do chew different though. I could see a big one getting 'gamey' from sitting out on the deck in the hot sun vs. a smaller one in the cooler. ;)

I'm STILL looking for that 150 class to be stuffed and mounted on the wall.

Hey Mr Dean, what do you mean "isn't opperating a fishing venture. It comes up early and he fly's in and out. He spends the better part of the summer on it entertaing guests (customers and associates) from his 'real world' life"? I'm not taking it does not bother me what others think...I'm just curious as is all. Talked to the johnD guys's really quite hard to tell if they are getting moula for it or guess is no...but not 100% sure. And I take it you are out of Hardy? What operation if you don't mind me asking?? Have a good one,

This topic about Americans fishing in our waters makes me mad enough. We can't fish in their waters unless we are guided and think it should same for them.
As for them guiding here, NO WAY! Go home Americans. I sick of you guys cutting me off in the middle of my tack. If your gonna fish by my boat use your manners. Oh and another thing, if I see any more Americans canning spring salmon to take back to the USA. I'M GONNA SNAP.:(

quote:Hey Mr Dean, what do you mean "isn't opperating a fishing venture.

I mean that he isn't generating direct revenue from the 'guests' that he's entertaining. He's not running a guide business. The man is a fishing fool that LOVES to share his experiences with others. It really is that simple.

Not from Hardy and no, I don't run an outfit out of there.

I get the feeling from several of the posts that this American For Hire stuff is running rampant. But see little or no info on whom to look out for. So I'll ask the question; What boats need to be looked over? Name some. If there is an a$$hat out there doing this, it would be best to get some names out there for others to keep a watchful eye on. No?
Yikes, fishing must be slow...I just gotta say from what I observed,,,Ron, Coin Jam, is not guideing. He is retired, sold his business a number of years ago, loves Boston Whalers, and buy's and sell them as a hobby/retirement business.He just likes the north island fishing, and is lucky enough to have a wife who lets him take off up here for a couple of months.
John D on the other hand is a meat fisherman who sure seems to be running a charter biz on the sly, he is the one I would be focusing on, out of the two, just my opinion...
As for the John D, I don't think he is. Because yesterday he came up to me and said "you run a charter business right?" and obvs i answered yes, and he said ok, because there are some people in our campground want to go." so i dont think he is or else he would of taken them out. and he didnt want to send them to other guys around hardy cuz apparently they don't get along. But I'd def say he isn't guiding. They've been coming up here for 13 years, just love the place i think. But i could be wrong...and have been wrong before! Oh, and i think richmake was refering to our boat as a coin jam...not sure though. and fishing is pretty good up here...turned around from the other out on springs and hali's last 2 days.

Serengeti Fishing Charters
quote:Originally posted by old school

. An out of country "Alien" should only be allowed a one week license. All purchaser info DL#, SIN# or what ever they have to produce, should be entered into a main computer which can identify a repeat purchase if they try. The fishing is getting busier every year and as Canadians, we have to protect our fisheries. Our governments have to stop worrying about income from these sources and concentrate on what we have and conserve it. I guess this is a wake up call to our great government people to introduce changes where they are required. I am just wondering if any others have noticed the dileama or is it just me and am I out of line?

Let me just say, I may be the exception to the rule. My family owns a float house in the Broughton Archipelago (I hope you all know where this is). I try to get up 2 times a year to prawn, crab and FISH. Instead of purchasing two $32.86 five day licenses. I purchase a year license for $107.06. Why? To try and support the fishery. This year I have not caught a fish and truly have not tried very hard as the fishing in the Broughton Archipelago is dieing. I hope you as a supporter in Canadian fisheries also look to fish farms as their practices in the Broughton are being documented and are decimating runs and runs of wild and hatchery salmon

I do not think you are the exception to the rule. I believe (naively perhaps) that most of our southern visitors are very respectful of our fishing requirements and are here to enjoy their vacations and also take a few fish home. I think it is unfortunate that there are a select few (from both sides of the border) who maximize their opportunities and then some. Most of the blame lies with a lackadasial goverment body that does not close loopholes in the system and does not enforce the regulations that are presently in place.

If you are respectful of our fish and are within the limits and not profiteering in a foreign country, then you are very welcome here and I applaud your desire to support the fishery. I am curious how you were able to obtain a foreshore lease for your floating home though?
Exception to the rule may have not been the right words. I cannot agree with you more. The float home is in shawl bay just west of the wakeman/kincome inlet. It is a sub-lease as far as I know as it is my parents float home. I can get you in contact with the people if you like. I also know there is availability at most marina resorts in the broughten for this type of sub-lease.
quote:Originally posted by SerengetiGuide

As for the John D, I don't think he is. Because yesterday he came up to me and said "you run a charter business right?" and obvs i answered yes, and he said ok, because there are some people in our campground want to go." so i dont think he is or else he would of taken them out. and he didnt want to send them to other guys around hardy cuz apparently they don't get along. But I'd def say he isn't guiding. They've been coming up here for 13 years, just love the place i think. But i could be wrong...and have been wrong before! Oh, and i think richmake was refering to our boat as a coin jam...not sure though. and fishing is pretty good up here...turned around from the other out on springs and hali's last 2 days.

Serengeti Fishing Charters

Hi, David.

I don't know the guy skippering the JohnD, so I really have no informed opinion. There is a couple of other possibilities though. Perhaps he was already booked, or maybe he has gotten word of his name being discussed on this board as an illegal charter operator. In that case maybe he is a little gun shy to take out people he hasn't already had out on the boat. I'm not pointing the finger at him as I don't know him, but not taking out a charter doesn't mean he hasn't done it in the past.
I fish out of Tahsis and moor/store my boat at westview. They employ several Canadian guides. I will be fortunate to make 6 trips up there this year for a total of about 20 days on the water. Those 20 days will pump about $10K into the Tahsis and BC economy, $15K if you want to include the new Yamaha lower unit from Port Alberni. The nice people there seem to have no issue with the Can currency I hand them. I appreciate being able to fish there. I have friends that fish and they go along, I work them like Dogs, the local guides will tell you that :)

As for _____ University, in my opinion "teaching" somebody how to fish on a boat in BC = 100% guiding. Turn them in

quote:Originally posted by TheBigGuy

quote:Originally posted by SerengetiGuide

As for the John D, I don't think he is. Because yesterday he came up to me and said "you run a charter business right?" and obvs i answered yes, and he said ok, because there are some people in our campground want to go." so i dont think he is or else he would of taken them out. and he didnt want to send them to other guys around hardy cuz apparently they don't get along. But I'd def say he isn't guiding. They've been coming up here for 13 years, just love the place i think. But i could be wrong...and have been wrong before! Oh, and i think richmake was refering to our boat as a coin jam...not sure though. and fishing is pretty good up here...turned around from the other out on springs and hali's last 2 days.

Serengeti Fishing Charters

Hi, David.

I don't know the guy skippering the JohnD, so I really have no informed opinion. There is a couple of other possibilities though. Perhaps he was already booked, or maybe he has gotten word of his name being discussed on this board as an illegal charter operator. In that case maybe he is a little gun shy to take out people he hasn't already had out on the boat. I'm not pointing the finger at him as I don't know him, but not taking out a charter doesn't mean he hasn't done it in the past.

This song has been sung for many</u> years and isn't anything new, or limited to this site. IF he is guiding, he's got it all figured out on how to keep it under the radar. Frankly, I'd think that he'd be 'figured' out by now if he was. As stated earlier; He's been hanging his hat up there for quite a few years.
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