Ryan, I'll acknowledge you and say that your premise is incorrect:
Death rate means the number of deaths per thousand population, for example, over a fixed period of time. The fixed time is ultimately the period until which a vaccine is readily available - maybe a year or so away. Therefore, if we follow restriction guidelines and flatten the curve, fewer people will die in the period than if we allow Covid 19 to run rampant.
Economic ruin, as you predict, is by no means a certainty. Most of our economy is intact: the hospitals are open and health workers are on the job. I can put gas in my car, go to the bank, buy groceries, go for a walk, watch netflix. I have running water, heat and power. My garbage gets picked up. Many people take on the risk and work very hard to keep our lives as normal as possible during these trying times. They deserve our gratitude.
Yes, some people are struggling but government supports are in place to soften the economic impact of this virus. Soon, some restrictions will be lifted so you can visit a grandchild, go to the dentist and also get your haircut. Most people will come out the other side of this if we cooperate. All considered, we are doing well. We live in a great province in a great country. Count your blessings.