All Things COVID-19

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I went to the Easton Spectator website.

This is how this BS roll of TP describes themselves

Welcome to Easton Spectator, connecting the dots…

How did this all come about, you may ask… as owner/publisher of media based website Puget Sound Radio since 2006, I had a section called ‘Off Topic’, such as geoengineering, GMO’s, vaccines, well, you get the idea. Needless to say with all the news which was not coming out of corporate media, I came to the conclusion I need more space in order to cover these stories, and its not really fair to put them on PSR. Yes, these stories got lots and lots of reads, and if they hadn’t over the years, I wouldn’t have gone there. Fact is I find lots of fake news or news the media, and I include over 90% of the media here on earth.

In our launched edition you can see the varied stories, and please, I more than welcome your comments

Hang onto your seat, I believe this is going to be a good ride…


I went on to read that these alleged medical professionals were quoting a Harvard study (this is a popular red herring. If someone purports to quote Harvard or Johns Hopkins instant credibility is granted by the uneducated cultists because they never go and check the study )

What the letter to the Easton Spectator written by a group of fictional imaginary medical professionals states is

Lastly, the Harvard Pilgrim Study31 states “Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.”

This type of crap should be given the same intellectual credence as if my 15 year old grand niece wrote a economic dissertation on titanium futures and had it published on the Q-Anon Daily Reader.

Here is a link to Harvard Pilgrim

COVID-19 Vaccines​

Harvard Pilgrim understands the urgency of getting vaccines administered swiftly and effectively and is committed to supporting providers in this important work. We are also conducting education and outreach to our members to educate them about the known safety of COVID-19 vaccines and the importance of getting vaccinated.

Then I went to their Facebook Page

I knew I had to put on my rubber boots because I knew the BS would be thick and waded over to their facebook page and I saw their "cartoons"

So an American publication is attempting to influence the views of another country using obviously non existent medical professionals, and of course attacked the usual targets Bill Gates, the Canadian government, etc , etc.



The interesting thing about for profit news is they report in a way to get eyeballs glued. What does "a lot" mean? It's interesting that they don't actually produce any data.

Real data is cool because it isn't interested in selling anything or have any preconcieved notions or bias. Here is the data for Covid for all of Canada as of Sept 10, 2021 stratified by age for cases, hosipitalizations, ICU admittance, and deaths. Note that of the 15,098 ICU cases only 1,951 people were mechanically ventilated, or ~13%. The deceased graph stratified by age hasn't significantly changed since the onset of this pandemic. Covid is very specific in who it targets. The only graph that is missing data is the 'cases' graph, as it is generally accepted that we are not capturing all of the cases anywhere in the world.

Covid by Age.PNG
Covid hospitalized data.PNG
Covid Deaths.PNG
Have to say that the idea that only 1% of adverse reactions to the vaccine get reported only makes sense in the context of "I don't report adverse events not worth mentioning and I bet 99% of people are exactly the same."

For example, technically, a sore injection site is an adverse reaction. I would never, ever call that in, to anyone, because when you get vaccinated, that's par for the course and I don't care. I got a tetanus vaccination about three weeks before my moderna...I got a sore shoulder from that, too. When I got vaccinated for rabies I got a sore shoulder I think on the first shot but not the others, but they don't put it deep in your deltoid.

But even though I have no data on this and usually I like to have some kind of real information before I form an opinion, you'd pretty much have to sit me in a Clockwork Orange brain programming chair to get me to believe that with a vaccine as controversial and politicized as this one, that only 1% of the people experiencing side effects anyone would actually care about, are putting it in VAERS.

And I wouldn't trust VAERS anyway; I don't believe the information in there is vetted. You could say the vaccine turned your hair white; it'd be in there.

Or, even more problematically than outright falsification: you could genuinely believe something is the result of the vaccine, but it's just contemporaneous. Here's an example: the day this summer I got a tetanus shot, later that day, I had pain radiating from around my kidneys. If I were afraid of vaccines...I could totally have concluded that my pain was caused by that shot.

In fact what had happened was that I'd strained my erector spinae turning deadfall in my property into firewood under my cabin, and I knew that and I knew exactly when I'd done it. But not every pain has an obvious cause and not every cause is obvious to every person.

Here's even a personal example of a cause not being apparent to me: in 2019, I had a chronic sore throat to the point that it was really starting to concern me a bit. I got checked out by several doctors and it just would not go away... itjust kept getting worse, and doctors would take throat cultures, tell me it was probably a virus and would get better in a week and it never was unnerving. You know what it was? I was getting up at 5am, taking my boat to work, working all day, taking the boat home at 6ish, eating a big dinner and immediately falling asleep exhausted on a super full stomach and I guess I was getting acid reflux in my sleep. This took MONTHS to figure out.

Months in which I had a sore throat that genuinely worried me. But there was basically nothing wrong.

If the primary symptom of Covid was a sore throat, and this was happening in 2021 instead of 2019, and I got the vaccine right at the beginning of starting to boat to work every day and falling asleep stuffed with food...for sure I could imagine thinking "I've got a sore throat just like the vaccine is supposed to prevent and it started right after the vaccine and nobody can find the cause, it has to be a reaction."

But it was just my schedule, that's it.

So adverse vaccine reaction databases...I don't really trust the information contained.

Pfizer, Moderna vaccines granted full approval by Health Canada​

Health Canada announced both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines have been formally granted full approval for anyone aged 12-and-up in the country.

This comes after the interim order for both vaccines expired on Thursday.

Starting to hear businesses lobby for extending the wage subsidies and rent subsidies in preparation for the fall wave.
Starting to hear businesses lobby for extending the wage subsidies and rent subsidies in preparation for the fall wave.

I think its a bad idea right now with Canada in trillion of debt. The government not only can't afford it but it forces people to not look at their business and adjust. This is a long term problem not a short one. We already see the harm CERB can do when you put people relying on this long term. Most places can't get staff at all. Why work when you sit at home?

You watch how many default CEBA loans are coming, and when people start being audited. Going to be very ugly.

I don't think businesses should be shut down at all. If everyone does the passport, and distancing masking no reason why anything should be shut. These programs are killing the economy right now. Great idea but they can't go on forever.
I think its a bad idea right now with Canada in trillion of debt. The government not only can't afford it but it forces people to not look at their business and adjust. This is a long term problem not a short one. We already see the harm CERB can do when you put people relying on this long term. Most places can't get staff at all. Why work when you sit at home?

You watch how many default CEBA loans are coming, and when people start being audited. Going to be very ugly.

I don't think businesses should be shut down at all. If everyone does the passport, and distancing masking no reason why anything should be shut. These programs are killing the economy right now. Great idea but they can't go on forever.

the business I heard talking about had over 50% buisness from usa tourists pre pandemic.

he said with out the subsidies he’s out of buismess in 3 months. Said there is just simply to many businesses
trying to court to few local residents.

you are right tho this may just be the new normal
the business I heard talking about had over 50% buisness from usa tourists pre pandemic.

he said with out the subsidies he’s out of buismess in 3 months. Said there is just simply to many businesses
trying to court to few local residents.

you are right tho this may just be the new normal

Yeah its new normal. Tourist based business have to adjust a bit.
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the business I heard talking about had over 50% buisness from usa tourists pre pandemic.

he said with out the subsidies he’s out of buismess in 3 months. Said there is just simply to many businesses
trying to court to few local residents.

you are right tho this may just be the new normal

Tourism is a special industry and I actually think they were not helped in the same ways others were. Really, really tough if you rely on foreign tourists to keep the business going. All, you can really do is hope you can keep the lights on. Adapt as best you can to focus on local business in the meantime and hope you can weather it.

But, I have some tourism/resort/lodge-type clients where it's going to be super tough until things get somewhat back to normal.
not really - its no secret that you can still get covid when fully vaccinated, the key is staying out of hospital. Death rate for unvax is 7x that of vax there even with the older population having been double vaxxed the longest in the world and it being known to fade in effectiveness after first several months.
I'm sure thats true, but what, we are all supposed to let people with covid lick us and hope we survive it ourselves to get good natural immunity? I think i said it before, but think of it as a trial - even while locked down and vaccinated, 1 in 500 American's have died from this. Do you think that trial would get approved with over 660000 deaths? Of course not.

If its an argument that prior covid recovered patients should get a bye on covid passport though and shouldn't require getting the shot, yep, I would have to agree with that based on the findings of natural immunity. Don't think that was the discussion though.
I'm sure thats true, but what, we are all supposed to let people with covid lick us and hope we survive it ourselves to get good natural immunity? I think i said it before, but think of it as a trial - even while locked down and vaccinated, 1 in 500 American's have died from this. Do you think that trial would get approved with over 660000 deaths? Of course not.

If its an argument that prior covid recovered patients should get a bye on covid passport though and shouldn't require getting the shot, yep, I would have to agree with that based on the findings of natural immunity. Don't think that was the discussion though.
Now if the Governments of the world would agree and add these people to the vaccinated group.
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