All Things COVID-19

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I'm sure that the order was not designed to impact restaurants (although it did)
but rather to put a lid on the downtown partying in bars and night clubs.
The health officials are really in a no win situation,
Every order issued to protect the general public impacts some form of business.
cannot restaurants work around this somewhat? if i ran a restaurant i would be !!, corking fee for people who bring a bottle in? or do do sales at 8 to keep a table entertained? no sales after 8 but come on...
cannot restaurants work around this somewhat? if i ran a restaurant i would be !!, corking fee for people who bring a bottle in? or do do sales at 8 to keep a table entertained? no sales after 8 but come on...
Liquor laws aren't something you want to monkey with not if you want to stay in business long.
From todays update

"To date 17,510 people have been vaccinated, including both the Pfizer and Moderna immunizations. Yesterday and today saw the first immunizations in some at-risk and remote rural communities across the province, including some First Nations communities."
Surprised how no one has gotten into how Bonnie Henry absolutely blind sided the restaurant industry. Sad really. Know a few restaurants that had a countdown planned for 10 and now had to cancel that as majority of their reservations cancelled. Also buddy is in line at kiquor store as we speak. He’s been in it for 25 MINUTES!!!! All it did was cramp people in a smaller time frame and space. Dumb decision. Also know of people who are having A handful of people over tonight now instead of dinner out. Just plain stupid dumb policy making. Naive actually
She knew exactly what she was doing. Let people make plans to go out and then announce the closures late in the piece to give them little time to pivot to a house party instead. People are walking roughshod over her orders and ignoring her expertise, why be outrageded when she comes up with a play of her own?
I thought I heard she changed her mind after she found out that some restaurants were planning some big events.
Here is how Canada did for the 2020.
Some provinces have had some problems ramping up as you can tell by the low doses / 100k population.
BC as of Dec 31, 2020 sits at 20,993 and is working over the holidays.
Vaxx Canada dec 31.JPG
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3500 posts and i doubt anyone has changed their position on this subject
NOT true!! I used to stand up and shake my fist, now I just sit and shake my head. :mad:;)o_O:rolleyes::D:D
We, as a country, need to step up and get this done. Ontario we are watching.

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It will step up when they open it up to more people and have public health nurses more involved. Along with getting pharmacies and dr offices involved. At the start here in BC I heard they had just a few occupational health nurses doing it.

There is only a few locations for health workers only to go to and they do it by appointment. The nurse administering the shot has to go though something like 17 step process to give the Pfizer vaccine.

logistical issues that I'm sure can be worked out soon. The sad part here in BC I know only days before we received the vaccine there were scrambling to find nurses. I am not sure why they left it so last minute but I'm sure they can ramp it up.

approval of the Modena and hopefully the approval of the oxford one will help immensely.

I think a lot of the issue is because its so limited to a select few right now and the logistics of getting it to those people. If it was open to say everyone over the age of 65 or something more brood we would be doing tens of thousands per day.

these graphs that are starting to show us lagging behind being shared in media will put a fire to the people in charge to find ways to speed it up.
I would like to read more from this member @CBsqrd . Much more qualified along with his wife than the rest of us. It’s objective education I need rather than baseless opinions.

Thanks, I've avoided posting here - or getting into debates in person - as the pandemic seems to have made everyone an expert and as @Aces rightly pointed out, after 3,500 posts some people aren't going to change their minds. So no matter what I post, someone is going to think I'm an idiot because of something else they read on the internet or heard from a friend, and I'd rather discuss fishing and boating on the forum. Happy to answer questions though if it is helpful.

Also, other members (@sly_karma and @cracked_ribs in particular, not to mention others) have done a good job in addressing the science and public health issues, and correcting the misinformation posted on here, so I don't have much to add to what they have already said.

People seem to hung up right now on the number of does of the vaccine administered in Canada, and the view that we are falling behind other countries. It's not surprising that its taking some time to get a large scale vaccination program up to speed given that it has not even been a month since the Pfizer vaccine was approved (no one had a crystal ball three months ago if any of these vaccines were going to be effective, let alone be approved, although Pfizer was confident enough to take the gamble to start production back in September which is the only reason there are a significant number of doses available now). Canada is also a very large and sparsely populated country, so the logistics to distribute and supply a vaccine requiring special handling and storage across the country - during a pandemic when supply chains are disrupted - is going to take some time to figure out. Not to mention that Canada's biotech sector doesn't not have the capability to manufacture the vaccine, requiring it to be imported first. I'd start to get concerned if the number of doses administered start to really lag behind the number of doses delivered to Canada, which so far hasn't happened.
Is this true?
If you have FLACID-19 it should work LOL
Any way it's a joke but I think it loses something when translated from Russian.
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Can’t see this being resolved by summer at this pathetic rate Canada is going at. Maybe if do covid vaccine passports or something tourism will come back but probably not. If two summers in a row many many coastal businesses are done for. Only positive is be able to get 2 any sized halibut (If sfab is smart). Otherwise very sad times for coastal communities!!
Can’t see this being resolved by summer at this pathetic rate Canada is going at. Maybe if do covid vaccine passports or something tourism will come back but probably not. If two summers in a row many many coastal businesses are done for. Only positive is be able to get 2 any sized halibut (If sfab is smart). Otherwise very sad times for coastal communities!!
I tried that positive thinking one time, but I knew it wasn't gonna work.
Can’t see this being resolved by summer at this pathetic rate Canada is going at. Maybe if do covid vaccine passports or something tourism will come back but probably not. If two summers in a row many many coastal businesses are done for. Only positive is be able to get 2 any sized halibut (If sfab is smart). Otherwise very sad times for coastal communities!!
Have to agree. A month or so ago I was hopeful that by late spring/summer things would be getting back to normal and hopefully tourism would come back strong. With the way things are going now here and even worse in the states and globally, I cant see it till late 2021 or 2022, even with the vaccine. If those rapid tests are used more frequently for people that want to travel i think that could help, but the problem is you could contract the virus on monday, take the test tuesday and test negative then test positive later in the week after you've gone out and done things with others etc.
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