All Things COVID-19

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Just my opinion but I wouldn't be counting on the vaccine any time soon
especially if young and healthy.
It will be a long time till everyone gets immunized
I do feel tho for the peoples families who are fanatical about getting everyone together for christmas. I have a coworkers whos going though major marital issues because he's refusing to go to a family christmas dinner.
Just my opinion but I wouldn't be counting on the vaccine any time soon
especially if young and healthy.
It will be a long time till everyone gets immunized

July-September seems to be the timeline given to get healthy people over the age of 16 to be vaccinated in BC. Though i am confident this timeline will speed up. Once the oxford and moderna one get approved timelines for vaccines will change fast.

I am also guessing there will be a large amount of people who out of pure laziness will not get the vaccine and thus people who want it will be able to get it sooner than predicted. Also once seniors and health care workers get vaccinated and deaths and cases dramatically drop some people will just figure what's the point.

By the summer there will be campaigns all over the news trying to get the reluctant people in the age range of 20-40 in to be vaccinated i am sure of it. Most polling is showing that 30% of people don't plan to get vaccinated and 30% of people plan to wait and see, with around 40% saying they will get it as soon as its available.
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I do feel tho for the peoples families who are fanatical about getting everyone together for christmas. I have a coworkers whos going though major marital issues because he's refusing to go to a family christmas dinner.

That is sad. Unfortunately there will be a fair bit of that. Christmas time is stressful for families in normal years due to societal pressures.
I really don't care anymore. Vaccine on the way.

I am tired of conspiracy theories and the BS media , and social media that spreads them.

Here is too looking at a better 2021.
Amen to that!
My very good fishing friend and former employee died a few days ago of Covid. The details are criminal. He started feeling sick around 15 days ago with Covid symptoms. He was type 1 diabetic and had a heart bypass operation 3 years ago. (he had a heart attack at night on a fishing trip to Port renfrew. An ambulance there took him to Victoria and he was operated on.) He went to the emergency room with his Covid symptoms and tested positive. he was told to drink lots of water and take Tylenol And was sent home. Nothing else was prescribed or given to him. Five days later he started throwing up and did so for over 12 hours. His wife who is also Covid positive called 911 and he was taken to the ER. He was given IV fluids for dehydration and anti nausea medication and was sent back home. Three days later his wife called 911 because he was in severe pain and she could not help him. He was admitted to the hospital and observed over night and he died the next day. No medication other than fluids, anti nausea meds and painkillers was given to him. Any questions why there are so many deaths? He should have been admitted day one with his comorbidities and kept there and treated. I am really sad and really really pissed. You may crucify me but I suggest we all have some of the medicines shown to have limited but some value in our medicine cabinets at home in case a loved one tests positive and shows symptoms. Quercetin + zinc, Ivermectin if your Dr will prescribe, High doses of vitamin D3 and others. Google these and make up your own mind. I do not care your opinion, just read what happened to my friend and his family had nothing to offer him and the hospital failed. Investigate what can be taken as a prophylactic. A large number of deaths have shown that the victim had low levels of vitamin D3.
Enough said. I am doing something to hopefully help my loved ones as we wait for the "miracle" vaccine.
I don't have enough knowledge to offer any thoughts on medications but I can certainly offer my condolences; that sounds like a terrible situation and I don't blame you for being saddened and angered.

I have never been sent home with anything life threatening, but I was sent home with a broken bone in my leg and told to come back at 7am each day until they had OR time to do the surgery. I had to take the bus back and forth with my right foot flopping around because I couldn't drive my old manual transmission truck.

It's fairly shocking when you run up against the failures of our medical system. My experience changed my outlook substantially. Yours is, of course, much worse. I don't know how I would feel in your shoes but my minor scrape with a similar type of problem (although much less serious) permanently marked me. What you describe would be a bitter pill to swallow.

My sympathies to yourself and to the family.
My very good fishing friend and former employee died a few days ago of Covid. The details are criminal. He started feeling sick around 15 days ago with Covid symptoms. He was type 1 diabetic and had a heart bypass operation 3 years ago. (he had a heart attack at night on a fishing trip to Port renfrew. An ambulance there took him to Victoria and he was operated on.) He went to the emergency room with his Covid symptoms and tested positive. he was told to drink lots of water and take Tylenol And was sent home. Nothing else was prescribed or given to him. Five days later he started throwing up and did so for over 12 hours. His wife who is also Covid positive called 911 and he was taken to the ER. He was given IV fluids for dehydration and anti nausea medication and was sent back home. Three days later his wife called 911 because he was in severe pain and she could not help him. He was admitted to the hospital and observed over night and he died the next day. No medication other than fluids, anti nausea meds and painkillers was given to him. Any questions why there are so many deaths? He should have been admitted day one with his comorbidities and kept there and treated. I am really sad and really really pissed. You may crucify me but I suggest we all have some of the medicines shown to have limited but some value in our medicine cabinets at home in case a loved one tests positive and shows symptoms. Quercetin + zinc, Ivermectin if your Dr will prescribe, High doses of vitamin D3 and others. Google these and make up your own mind. I do not care your opinion, just read what happened to my friend and his family had nothing to offer him and the hospital failed. Investigate what can be taken as a prophylactic. A large number of deaths have shown that the victim had low levels of vitamin D3.
Enough said. I am doing something to hopefully help my loved ones as we wait for the "miracle" vaccine.

I think the vitamin D stuff makes a lot of sense. Also, low risk and no brainer. Read a fair bit about over the summer (less of an issue with all the sun then). However, now might be a good time to supplement as we get into these short butt no light days.
This is what I don't understand about our medical system and this COVID, they are not telling people things they can do to minimize their risks. Most of the people that have died all had very low levels of vitamin D. People need to start taking better care of themselves, exercise, eating properly, cut down on the sugars and junk foods. CIVANO very sorry for your loss, I lost my fishing partner 2 years ago to our failed medical system and unfortunately fishing has never been the same for me.
The wife and I have been trying our best to remember to take 1000 IU of vitamin D3 for quite some time now. We started last spring for a bit then laid off for the most part over the summer as we are outdoors people. But we started again this Sept. I can’t say we take it every day but at least 5 times a week. On top of that we are very healthy eaters with minimal prepared food. 95% of our food is fresh made, home prepared and wild game or local meat and produce. On top of that I usually take a good shot of echinacea two to three times per week. We have been extra diligent on maintaining our immune system through this mess. We may decide to do so going forward rather than taking the vaccine we are still on the fence on that.
Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine roll out details as best as I can tell.
Vaccine is to come in a tray that has 975 doses but let's just round this up to 1K.
Not approved for shipping to remote sites as of yet.
Pfizer has contracted UPS to deliver to sites.
BC has 7 more sites ready then 30 more sites planned and ramping up.
Not sure if all will have the -70 freezers but it seems the 2 plus 7 may have them.

BC to receive 4K split between 2 sites, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and Fraser Health Authority
Vaccination to start on Tuesday with a plan to vaccinate 4K people.
Their second shot will be 21 to 28 days after with the majority around the 28 day mark.

Alberta to receive 4K split between Calgary and Edmonton and has a similar plan as BC.
Vaccination to start Wednesday.

Ontario to receive 6K split between Toronto and Ottawa
Vaccination starts Tuesday for 3K people and they will hold 3K doses back for those people.
Not sure when their 2nd shot will be but suspect it's like ours.

Not sure if Ontario is doing the right strategy but I guess we will see, I prefer ours.

More vaccine to be coming in the following weeks and I think the idea is shipments once a week with increases in the amounts shipped.

Moderna vaccine could be approved by end of December and can be taken off site for rollout to LTC homes.
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