All Members Please Read!!!


Active Member
First of all I would like to thank everyone for making this bar none the best salt water fishing forum. The fast growing number of members, posts and threads make for a site that can be enjoyed by all.
However although we haven't moderated some of the touchy subjects please remember to think before you type and keep things civil and respectful. There are a few anglers / guides / pot stirers that leave alot to be desired or are doing things illegal if so report them and let nature take it's course. Remember this is a great wealth of information shared here and I would hate to see it dry up do to beating a dead horse or having members leave due to disrespectful posting. Once again thank-you to all those members that take the time to share so much so often or even those that share a little.

Cheers The Sportfishingbc Moderating Team.

ps We will have the email fixed soon on this site but until then don't be affraid to send an email to
and express you concern about this feature not working.
I can't thank some of the fellows enough on here who share their info.One post by Iron noggin on here about fishing Alberni inlet took me years of going up there and figuring it out,his post saved a lot of guys a lot of time and money.Wolf and some of the other guides on here will give you enough info to get you started and you just have to put some time and effort in to fill in the blanks.I myself have fished for a very long time,I'm self taught NO ONE showed me how where and why.I stumbled across this site about two and a half years ago,and sat on the sidelines for a year or so before I said anything.I try to help out with some of my knowledge,knowing what it was like going out day after day after day and coming in skunked.I realize that my trial and error way of learning has only got me so far,there is so much more to be learned,I enjoy fishing so much,but due to buisness commitments I can't go out as much as I like.I just hope that the good guys on this site stick around and encourage us to do better,and can get past some of crap that gets posted.Thanks.DAN

I made one more post to the topic you are obviously referring to (before reading this post). I will refrain from making further posts to that thread. I agree we should all be respectful of one another, and that thread was degenerating quickly. My posts were meant to be informative, and I also wish to keep things civil. This board is an excellent resource, and we shouldn't abuse the privilege of reading and posting here.

Thank you for your time and efforts moderating this excellent forum
I admit,,, I may have been sucked in... But only a little. ;)

Is the e-mail thing REALLY goin to be fixed?
Any idea as to a time-frame??

It really sucks not having it.
quote:There are a few anglers / guides / pot stirers that leave alot to be desired or are doing things illegal...

Illegal activities... Here??? Members???

Not sure if I understand. Wouldn't it be wise to ban a member (for the good of the site) if he/she was doin something illegal?

Surely there's a giudeline to follow. [?]
"Illegal activities... Here??? Members???" Quote from Mr.Dean

What I was refering to is rather then bashing things around on here if you see illegal fishing related activities on the water and you feel strong enough about it report it.

As for banning members we can, will and have however this is a last resort as we try not to over moderate this site.

Cheers ME

Thanks MyEscape... long overdue commentary!

Indeed, this forum is an excellent conduit for all of us who love and cherish this pastime to share ideas, opinions, and concerns.

I too have seen many topics degenerate into mud-slinging matches. It's sad really, that sometimes we forget that we are ALL brothers with a common interest in a wonderful and exciting sport (for lack of a better term).

My greatest concern is that my fellow anglers - province wide - sometimes forget that there are forces at play out there who would stop us from doing what we do; who could care less about what this means to each and every one of us; who could care less if there's any fish around for our children, our grandchildren.

These forces come in many forms.

A couple of examples jump out at me:

Special interest/animal protection groups </u>(PITA) etc. I've heard that these and other well organized - and heavily funded - outfits have targeted sport-fishing under the guise of stopping animal-sufferage. This should concern all of us; look at how many special-interest groups have, historically on several issues, won the sympathetic ear of many a polititian seeking to polish his POLL.

FOC/DFO Canada</u> - who have a well documented track record of making countless BAD decisions concerning WILD Pacific salmon conservation, and who, like the majority of the FED's, are in-bed with the salmon-farmers embracing the ideology that we can grow the salmon in cages rather than revitalize this invaluable natural resource; and who, through much imcompetent mismanagement of the resource and the seemingly mindless implimentation of a mind-boggling encyclopedia of rules and regulations levyed at our sport - are only driving droves of people away from sport-fishing.

Are we - same as the BC hunting population - slowly dying?
Are we, going to stand idly by while our favorite pastime - our future generation's pastime - is slowly but surely whittled-away into the history books?

Or... are we going remember that:

* As individuals we are cannon-fodder for the forces at play out there who would take sport-fishing from us in a heart-beat; whereas, as a united-group, our thunderous voice can rattle the walls of Parliment in the name of conservation of the WILD fish and our right and great previlge to persue them.

* This forum is an excellent pipeline for all of us to comunicate with each other and keep an informed finger on all things affecting the pulse of sport-fishing in BC.

* The more we squabble amongst ourselves, the more vulnerable we become.

* The more information we share with each other on techniques, conservation-issues and the like - the more successful each of us becomes; which in turn brings more people to the sport - which in turn increases our collective voice - which in turn increases our stake in the share of the resource - which in turn can help us make certain there will be WILD fish to be caught by our kids, and their kids and so on...

See you on the water.

quote:Originally posted by Little Hawk

Special interest/animal protection groups </u>(PITA) etc.

As long as people are respectful to each other then this forum will continue be a source of good information and provide us with a sense of community. We must all be careful that when we disagree with an idea, theory or opinion that we make our objections known without resulting to personal attacks. Its okay to disagree, just don't slag off the poster.
I got an email today followed up by a phone call from one of the site owners and I have been told that things will take a bit of time but you will see it happen very soon. The whole problem started when we upgraded the forum to allow us to add the anti spamware to stop SPAM!!! However due to the fact these forum features are put together by a number of programmers sometimes the fix isn,t as easy as you might think! I personally have spent hours looking for the fix. I know they have been draging there heals a bit but due to your emails the ball is now rolling.

Thanks Cheers ME