Alberni sockeyes

The games on for sure.
Hooked up to 7 and netted 5 yesterday.
All were decent size. I too, was keeping an eye on the speed. Seems to me that I am trolling a bit faster this year (1.7) compared to last.
Same gear, same spots,and great weather.
Same as last year, you have to be on the water first light as most of the fish are boated before 7:00.
:)Paul Ya we were late yesterday for sure As it was alive At 7.00 but die off right away after we started ~~~ and the speed 1.6 - 1.8 was against the tide . Talked to a buddy this am who was out there 6 - 8 and had 2 for 5 with even less boats than the last two days????~~~~Bigger schools seen:D today also he said !!!!
are you guys going by the speedo's on your sounders....cause i noticed one way id be going.8-1mph, then goin the other id be goin like steely was sayin 1.7-2.4mph, must have been the tides :D out the game for awhile here time for work[B)][V]

cheers steelheadman